It's not fair

by Luo bou to 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Cut off from my family rejected by my wife ( spiritual endangerment ) and there was and still is not a damn thing I can do about it. Pisses me off.... No justice. Hey I am not looking for sympathy My life is pretty good its just frustrating to have family that are not dead yet might as well be.

  • lavendar

    Too bad Witnesses don't practice what Jesus taught: Love, mercy & forgiveness

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Makes you wonder why Jesus put them in charge ....don't it

  • musky

    Hopefully your family will someday realize that the Watchtower is not teaching truth from Jehovah. I hope things improve for you.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    You're right. It's not fair, just, or right in any way. Nor is it loving, though they say that is the mark of true Christians.

    I hope and pray that some day this is healed, both for you and your family personally, as well as for JWs across the board.

    In the mean time, may you have peace about it.

  • ninja

    I know something else that's not fair....the hair under snowby's prays for the mountains to fall over and hide him....he he

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Great just bloody great I share my feelings with the board my deepest pain and Ninja makes a joke Fooken insensitive Scot git.... do you nae no when to hodge your wisht

  • Johnny

    Ahhh.... But there IS something that you can do about it. DON'T buy into the madness!! Treat them BETTER than normal. Show them that the problem is not with YOU, but THEM and their following of stupid man-made rules!

    Be happy with yourself, but feel SORRY for THEM. Turn the table around, because it is your family that is in "spiritual danger".

    "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake." - Mat 5:11

  • garybuss

    The only thing that shocked me was how willfully mean the Witness people can be when they want to be. Accepting that the Witness people are exercising their own free will when they disrespect me and people important to me took some time.

    I'm not in the club that thinks the adult Witness people are victims. In fact that idea is offensive to me. They're just nasty people who've found a fertile environment as members of the Witness hate club. The only thing I wish for them is that they slow rot in their own pain.

  • wavvy

    I don't know whether its willfully mean or not...perhaps with some it is.

    It's amazing though what kind of behaviour becomes justified when you believe you have the special approval of God. That's the danger in the whole thing to me.

    I think they are all just blind and I remember the days of my own blindness with great shame. Now I just keep trying to remind myself never to think that I'm better than anyone else...even them! Thats the old trap the Witnesses fall into, and it is dangerous thinking. No doubt there is a lot of sincerity there. God knows, I was totally sincere in my time. I totally believed I was doing the right thing. Now I cringe when I think of the way I treated some 'worldly people'. Even on the other side we could still fall into the same kind of thinking!

    I agree with what Johnny says: don't buy into their madness, by treating them better than normal!

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