If your family member was in prison due to a corrupt government, would you lie to get them out?

by BonaFide 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt
    I've seen nothing to indicate mind control is real either.

    In general, or with regards to Watchtower?

    Every few months, someone will join us here and suggest that Mind Control/Thought Reform is a fairy tale.

    In some ways, this assertion bolsters my opinion of how subtle and powerful it is.

  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt

    Some comments by the late Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D., regarding cult apologists who deny that thought reform exists...

    The current effort by cult apologists to deny thought reform exists is linked to earlier protective stances toward cults in which apologists attempted to deny the cults' active and deceptive recruitment practices, deny the massive social, psychological, financial, spiritual and other controls wielded by cult leaders and thus dismiss their often destructive consequences.
    These earlier efforts to shield cults from criticism rest on a seeker theory of how people get into cults, which overlooks the active and deceptive tactics that most cults use to recruit and retain members. When bad things happened to followers of Jim Jones or David Koresh, the twisted logic of some apologists implied that these "seekers" found what they wanted, thus absolving the cult leader and his conduct.
    Finally, to promulgate the myth that though reform has been rejected by the scientific community, cult apologists doggedly stick to faulty understanding of the process contrary to findings in the literature, they ---- that physical coercion and debilitation are necessary for thought reform to occur, and that the effects of thought reform must be instant, massive, uniform, universally responded to, and enduring.
    The recent upholding of thought reform in DSM-IV is but one more piece of evidence that this orchestrated process of exploitative psychological manipulation is real and recognized within the professional psychiatric field. To say then that the concept of thought reform is rejected by the scientific community is false and irresponsible. The phenomenon has been studied and discussed since 1951, and continuing studies by social psychologists and other behavioral scientists have solidified our understandings of its components and overall impact.



    "I've seen nothing to indicate mind control is real either.".....................................Pre 1975.....1975 was on the minds of Jehovah`s Witness`s everywhere.....1975 was the topic of conversation no matter which Kingdom Hall,or Country you were in........It was preached at Kindom Hall`s,Assemblys and from Door to Door............30+ years later,Jehovah`s Witness`s remember no such event......Not even my parents could remember that they preached 1975 for over 2 Decades..........Why can`t 2 intellegent people remember what they preached for over 2 decades? ..........Why is it a,whole relgion forgot what they used to preach?......I`ve talked to many JW`s..No one remembers......................Mind control and Brain Washing are real..The WBT$ are Masters at it........................................................OUTLAW

  • Bodhisattva1320

    buddhas can't save buddhas

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