Restoring the "life pattern", where is THAT in the Bible?

by VM44 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    When The Watchtower tries to explain the resurrection it says that the individual's "life pattern" is placed in a re-created body.

    OK, what I want to know is where does this concept come from?

    Where in the Bible does "life pattern" appear?

    For that matter, has The Watchtower even defined what a person's "life pattern" is?

    Or are they just making things up?

  • wobble

    Just making things up,with the minimum of intellectual effort,and little Bible reading.

    This concept always reminded me of a Roald Dahl story where this guy had dreams in a bottle and could sprinkle them over people. I see a vision of God with bottles of people's memories ready to insert into this new body,still a clone in my opinion, not the same person,just a replica.



  • Narkissos

    Modern verbiage and imagery which is probably more "catchy" to many than traditional religious vocabulary but implies completely different representations from the Biblical ones.

    So with "perfection," "scales balancing," "system of things," and so on.

    To your question, the big "life pattern" year was apparently 1954 (Watchtower 2/15 and 5/1)... Here's a shorter definition from 1958 (6/1):

    What is this life pattern God retains in his memory? It is the life-long record of the creature, a record made by the thoughts he thought, the experiences he had, the knowledge he stored up. So the life pattern results from one’s memories and mental abilities. The life pattern includes all intellectual growth and characteristics that make up one’s personality. This is what God faithfully reconstitutes in the resurrection.

  • Chalam


    Yes they just make new heresies up and unbiblical terms to name them by, especially anything to do with Jesus, His Father or His Holy Spirit. See what Jesus said about the "resurrection body".

    Luke 24:36-43 (New International Version)

    Jesus Appears to the Disciples
    36 While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."

    37 They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. 38 He said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? 39 Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have."

    40 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41 And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, "Do you have anything here to eat?" 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence.

    Note the last thing, Jesus was hungry, exactly like the girl Jesus raised from the dead. Does this account have anything to do with the "spirit creature" the WT claim Jesus became?!

    If you want to know some more about the resurrection body then start here 1 Corinthians 15

    All the best,


  • sir82

    This is what God faithfully reconstitutes in the resurrection.

    Sheesh, they make it sound like he is mixing up concentrated orange juice.

  • VM44

    Thank you Narkissos for finding where (and when) The Watchtower defined "life pattern".

    "What is this life pattern God retains in his memory? It is the life-long record of the creature, a record made by the thoughts he thought, the experiences he had, the knowledge he stored up. So the life pattern results from one’s memories and mental abilities. The life pattern includes all intellectual growth and characteristics that make up one’s personality. This is what God faithfully reconstitutes in the resurrection." (from 1958)

    The serious question that The Watchtower has NEVER attempted to answer is this. How does the creation of this "reconstituted" individual benefit the original person who died?

  • cameo-d

    If flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom...

    what kind of body and brains does this reconstituted person have?

    Perhaps there is a Kingdom of God AND a Kingdom of Jesus. Perhaps the Kingdom of Jesus is in the Heavens and the Kingdom of God is on earth.

    Perhaps clones are fine for the earthly kingdom.

  • VM44

    Do the JWs understand the beliefs they are taught by The Watcthower?

    Do they understand that The Watchtower's teaching of the resurrection offers no hope at all for the individual?

    The Watchtower's resurrection doctrine is bankrupt!

    But the JWs appear not to care.

  • Jack Burton
    Jack Burton

    I think "life pattern" sounds suspiciously like a "soul" to me.

  • VM44

    I am "resurrecting" this thread from the past to ask this question directed to The Watchtower writers.

    Why should I care if my "life pattern" is imprinted upon a duplicate body of mine in the future?

    I won't know anything about it!

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