My friend died. Now what?

by target 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • target

    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and condolences. I do feel as Concerned Mama says, the energy is too precious to not go on. I do think it survives in some way.
    The WTS always said we "sleep in death". I could never quite understand how if you have ceased to exist and your body is rotting away, where is this "sleeping" taking place?


  • patio34

    Dear Target,

    My sincere condolences. The loss of a friend must indeed be hard to take. I have no answers regarding what comes after nor firm beliefs.

    However, I did see a saying recently that meant a lot to me: "Don't cry because it's over--smile because it happened." What its application is that you enjoyed such a friendship.

    Best wishes to you.

  • Adonai438

    Dear Target,
    I am truly sorry for your loss-- Hug--
    I used to be a JW and am now a Christian. I do believe the Bible is the inspired word of God -- Not the God of the Watchtowers invention-- but a loving, caring, intelligent and fair God. I could tell you what the Bible says regarding death, the after life, heaven and hell but unless you really want to know I'll just send a big hug and prayers your way. I don't know your friends heart so I don't know where they are but be assured that life doesn't end at death and there is a wonderful God you can choose to spend eternity with. <><

  • Carmel

    Hey Eligah,

    What "end times" are you refering to? In case you wondered, I'm the true "Eligah"!


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