Letter from Spanish Branch regarding Governing Body's decision

by Lost-In-Translation 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hesus

    La atalaya es la bestia y la perra salvajes verdaderas rodadas en una.


    ¡Subida, mi gente, contra la atalaya y su brujería!

  • Lost-In-Translation

    On the Ex-Jehovah's Witness site from Spain they are getting reports of Branch facilities being reduced in Mexico and throughout Latin America. In Argentina they are actually selling a number of Assembly Halls.

    http://www.extjforo.com/foro/showthread.php?t=13787 Hola soy nuevo en el Foro aunque los leo desde hace tiempo. Y sí, te puedo confirmar de buena fuente (Sup.Circuito) que están a la venta los 3 salones de asamblea, el de Moreno, el de Lomas de Zamora y el de Cañuelas. Dicen que la idea es hacer un solo salón para reducir costos, y que este se encuentre ubicado en una zona de buenos aires de facil acceso.


    "Hello, I'm new to the Forum even though I have been reading it for some time. And yes, I can confirm from a reliable source (Circuit Overseer) that they are selling 3 Assembly Halls, the Moreno, the Lomas de Zamora and the Cañuelas. They say the idea is to make one Assembly Hall to reduce costs, and it will be situated in an area of Buenos Aires that will make it easier to get to."

    Another person states that many congregations are not giving enough support to maintain all three Assembly Halls. There is not enough money being contributed nor "volunteer" labor for the upkeep.

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    could this be the beginning of the end?

  • Kenneson
  • yknot

    Here is my rough attempt at translation...... (anyone who is totally fluent, please correct where needed)

    Royal Decree 1614/2007, of December 7, by regulating the terms and conditions for inclusion in the general scheme of Social Security of the members of the religious Order of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Spain

    Article 1,1 of Royal Decree 2398/1977 of 27 August, which regulates the social security of the clergy, states that the clergy of the Catholic Church and other Ministers from other churches and faiths due entered in the register of Ministry of Justice, will be covered application of General System of Social Security conditions regulations.

    Because of the activity undertaken by the above-mentioned clergymen and ministers of religion, such inclusion should be carried to effect through their assimilation to workers employed basis, determined in the respective real Order of integration of the terms and conditions to this as well as the scope of the protective action to be granted in accordance with the provisions of Articles the 97.2.m) and 114,2 of the text of the Act \ Social Security, approved by Royal Decree Legislative 1 / 1994 of June 20

    This assimilation there you are already occurred with respect to clergymen of worship and ministers of various churches and confessions, now proceed to carry out, with their fixed conditions for inclusion in the general scheme of the Social Security in conjunction with members of the religious Order of the Jehovah' s Witnesses, integrated within the religious Christian Jehovah' s Witnesses, which appropriate most of their spiritual and ecclesiastical supervision holds its legal representation in Assuming also the economic burdens and duties of the Order.

    Both churches are duly entered in the Register of Religious Entities Ministry of Justice, as required by Article 1.1 of Royal Decree 2398/1977, August 27

    In the processing of this Royal Decree has emitted report the confession religious Christian Witnesses of Jehovah.

    This royal decree is issued in accordance with the pre - in Article 97.2.m) of the text of the Law General Social Security

    By virtue of to proposal from the Minister of Work and Social Affairs, under the State Council and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on December 7 2007


    Article 1. Dealing with employees.

    The remaining assimilated employees, to for inclusion in the general scheme of the Social Security, members of the religious order of Jehovah' s Witnesses in Spain, in the terms and conditions established in this Royal Decree

    Article 2. Scope of personal application.

    For the purposes of this Royal Decree, the term Member, members of the religious Order of the Jehovah' s Witnesses people who, as ordained ministers are engaged in functions on to permanent mission, pastoral or religious, as well as to complementary to other activities that are necessary for the purposes of the denomination religion in which they are integrated.

    Accreditation of such maximize, for its inclusion and high in the general scheme of Social Security will be by certificate issued by the Board Directors of Christian Jehovah' s Witnesses in Spain.

    Article 3. Protective

    1. The protective action, for which concerns to the collective one that refers the previous article, will be he corresponding one to the General State of the Social Securiy, with the following exclusions:

    A) temporary disability, maternity, paternity, risk during pregnancy and during natural lactation.

    B) Unemployment

    2. The contingencies of sickness and accident whatever their origin, are considered throughout If not as common and labor, respectively, notwithstanding applicable legal status applicable to these in the general scheme of social security. Article 4 Contributions. 1 The Social Security contribution, for persons referred to the Article 2 shall be made in accordance to the rules laid down in Article 20 of the Regulation of contribution and settlement and other rights of Social Security, approved by the Royal Decree 2064/1995 December 22. as well as common standard rules on the subject which may apply. The only exclusion being the basic monthy rate increase for overtime pay. 2 In connection with these people, there is no obligaition of contribution by contigencies outside its protective action, and neither with respect to the Fund Wage Guarantee or (vocational) training. Article 5 Busiess Obligations For purposes of the Royal Decree, confession of Religous Christian Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain, in which the Order is integrated religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, will assume the rights and obligations for employers in th e General State of Social Security First Final Provision: Title Companies The Royal Decree is dictated under protection of article 149.1.17.a the Constitution, that attributes to the State the exclusive responsibility in the matter of basic legislation and economic system of the Social Security Second Final Provision: Regulatory Development. Empowers the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs to issue any general provisions needed for the implementatio of the provisions of this Royal Decree. Third Final Provision: Enactment. This Royal Decree shall enter into force on the first day the second month following its publication in the "Official Gazette". Given in Madrid December 7, 2007

  • joelingeorgia

    its all about the money. it was so clear to me after serving at Bethel.

    its very sad because there are so many good people just being taken

    for a ride.

  • SirNose586

    Thanks for the translation, yknot!

    Once again, saving money takes precedence over the livelihood of the members. No surprise there...but this is sad considering that the Spanish paid for this out of their own pockets.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Wow - thanks for posting the decree and the translation. Certainly no "persecution" since they're including all religious orders. It really makes sense that they participate in the Social Security type program with the only exception maybe if they agreeded to care for all their needs for the rest of the worker's life.

    The more I learn about the WTS dealings, the clearer it becomes to me that they could care less about any individual JW. They don't even care about the folks that have spent their lives working for free at the various Bethels around the world. When I was a believer, I always assumed that the uncaring attitudes that I encountered among DO/CO types were just their individual issues. I now realize that while some individuals in middle management (DO/CO/mid-level Bethelites) probably do care about individuals, the majority really don't. But, when you look at the corporate culture among both low level management (local BOEs) all the way to the board (GB), you'll see that the work ALWAYS takes precedence over the individual.

    Could you imagine Jesus ordering a branch shut down because they need to pay into social security? Didn't he say something about paying Ceasar's things to Ceasar? Oh, I forgot, the WTS doesn't really concern itself with a book they say is a personal letter from God. It's all about the dollar bills y'all!

  • frankiespeakin

    Looks like Jehovah is trying to get a message to the Governing Body but nobody is picking up the phone like they would in Russell's day:

    When He who says: 'All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,' fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication."

  • villagegirl

    They steal from the poor, instead of helping the poor as Jesus instructed

    his followers to do. They put burdens on people's backs and not willing

    to lift them, they take labor and give no wages, which is against the

    Law of Moses. They are violating every principle in the Bible.

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