The crap just never ends in my life

by WuzLovesDubs 4 Replies latest social family

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Two years ago I had to deal with the JWs in our family feuding and shunning and acting like 2 year olds when I had my sons graduation party. My JW sister in law wouldnt come to the party because her MOTHER, my EXJW mother in law, was going to be there. In fact, sister in law took her entire family 3 hours away for the weekend so my mother in law couldnt attempt to see her kids. Geeez. So NOW my daughter is graduating. Mother in law, who was 2 signatures from divorcing the abusive JW elder husband she has, was coming down to stay with us and help me with the party. My daughter said all she wanted for graduation was to have her Grandma P there and so she was delighted to come!

    Meanwhile, my soon to be exhusband, has made a deal with his JW sister and her FIVE kids to move into my (our) house. They had told me to have the party THERE and the entire house is under construction! I was like are you crazy?? And on top of that why in the world would I have my daughters party in a house full of hateful JWs who plan on shunning my mother in law?? And then...

    ...yesterday...I open my email and theres a letter from my mother in law. Not only did she ONCE AGAIN cancel her divorce from said abusive elder, but is BRINGING HIM to my house! She didnt ask me...he already bought a ticket...and now shes like "well I wont be able to STAY with you but I will 'see if I have time' to come and help you before the party. So sorry..." Then.... she says this...

    I had a Revelation at Church Sunday, and felt the Holy Spirit leading me to this decision. I know I will be happier because of it. I could never really talk myself into believing I was doing the right thing. God Help Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, we will all be one big happy family! GOD TOLD HER TO GO BACK TO A CULT?? So Im really upset...I dont WANT THIS MAN AT MY HOUSE!! Should I leave this up to my daughter? Should I be up front with her about him being here? I dont WANT THE JWS AT MY HOUSE!! And now the sister in law is going to come to my party with her brood because this JW elder is going to be there whereas before she couldnt be bothered to be at my sons party? I cant stand to see the JWs all huddled up and mocking the rest of us. They are LAUGHING at her. They are condescending and high fiving each other, and emailing and texting each other laughing at my mother in laws wishiwashiness. And now she is trying to convince me that GOD sent her back to this cult??

  • OnTheWayOut

    Wish I had advice that was helpful. Strength to you.

  • snowbird

    LD, I would cast them clear out and let the nations trample them underfoot ...

    Just trying to bring a smile to your face.

    Peace and strength to you, girlfriend.


  • journey-on

    Your REACTION to the drama is what will upset you. PLAN the party, CHOOSE to be happy, FOCUS on your daughter, IGNORE emotional triggers, VIDEO the whole thing in detail (if you know what I mean), ALLOW all the others to act and react their own way (get it on video ) and sit back and simply OBSERVE the drama with a SMILE realizing it is just LIFE and all the world is a stage.

  • DJK

    I've been trying to find the best words for this since you posted. Journey-on did it well for me.

    Go with it. If JW talk comes up just remind people that there is a time and place for everything and this time is a celebration of your childs accomplishments.

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