How Did You Deal With Weirdo JWs?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    We had one certain mama's boy who made sure he was dressed up properly, especially in the winter. She'd make sure he had his "rubbers", scarf, hat and gloves. She'd kiss him at the door before he'd leave and wave until he got into the car for field service. He was 40 years old at the time. I understand his mother is still alive and the ritual continues.

    I know this person.

    He really needs a friend, Minimus.

    He is more isolated and lonely than you could ever know. After so many years, this becomes "normal" because being so isolated, he is not even aware that other people live very differently.

    He wasn't allowed to have friends. Often, he did not "feel good" (an excuse to refuse to go to meetings), then he was punished by not being allowed to socialize even with the few JW friends he had.

    All those years he was never allowed to have any independence. His self esteem was beat down to shreads and he was made to choose between family loyalty and leaving home. He was advised that if he left home he would be turning his back on his family. The family needed his income, etc etc. (Not true, but was a power play.)

    Of course his mother still picks out his clothes and gets his stuff together for him. She is the product of an abusive elder husband who trained her from an early age that her place was submission and serving the alpha (and beta) male. Waiting on and serving the men is all she has been allowed to do with her life. She really believes that she takes 'pride' in doing this for them. She has been Stepfordized to believe that this is her ultimate joy in life.

    Minimus, don't run the other way.

    Take him under your wing.

    He needs a friend.


    If you stick a Baby Carrot up each nostral of a Wierd JW..They will usually leave you alone after that!.......Although.....Some JW Wierdo`s may keep following you around,hoping for more Baby Carrots.....................................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • silent

    Reminds me of a sister I dated for a couple of months. I broke it off when I found out her mom ran her bath water. She was 24 years old at the time.

    sign me silent

  • ziddina

    Minimus, I knew that guy's cousin - or maybe twin...

    A couple showed up at our kingdom hall one Sunday. The 'wife' was a classic "church lady" - salt-and-pepper hair severely pulled back, steel-rimmed glasses, ramrod straight posture, controlling behavior - she looked up every scripture quoted in the Watchtower study and nudged her 'husband' in the ribs to draw his attention to her open New World Translation.

    The 'husband' was sodden, sad, obese, with a drooping, hopeless posture. He clearly didn't like his 'wife' - or her smug, superior attitudes. Since I was a teenager, and interested in observing married couples, I asked someone about the couple after the meeting.

    I was totally bowled over to find out that I had been looking at a mother and her son, instead of a married couple.... The body language was chillingly similar to that of many JW married couples I'd observed - I still get chills when I think about those two... Brrrrr!!


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    There are definitely a disproportionate amount of weirder than normal people attending Kingdom Hall's these days, aren't there?

    It's no doubt a process of natural selection, as more and more of the intelligent and socially normal people are experiencing their awakening and mustering enough courage to extracate themselve from the madness that is JW-town.

    Minimus, you ask - How do I deal with weirdo witnesses? I used to avoid them at all costs, now I just let them be weird and if they cross my path, I roll with it. If they are wasting too much of time I'll politely disengage.

    The Oracle

  • blondie

    I always tried to help them be less weird and fit in more with others. I was considered an outcast because my father was not a jw. Outcasts/rejects like myself formed a little "cliche" even calling ourselves "The Rejects." Many of us learned to be able to function more socially and were able to do a lot of things that were fun but "acceptable". There were a few that were too much for us to redeem, but we did not avoid them.

    It is hard to say that other jws are "unchristlike" for avoid me for being "weird" and then do the same to others.

    Blondie (the Reject)

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I like weird people.

    I tend to fit right in.

  • parakeet
    We had one certain mama's boy who made sure he was dressed up properly, especially in the winter. She'd make sure he had his "rubbers", scarf, hat and gloves. She'd kiss him at the door before he'd leave and wave until he got into the car for field service.

    Who's this "we" you're talking about, cameo? You stated in several posts that you are not and never were a dub.

    I was forced to deal with weird dubs because the older dubs in my fs group would foist them on me. I had no choice; I was a teenager. As if fs wasn't bad enough by itself!

  • cameo-d
    We had one certain mama's boy who made sure he was dressed up properly, especially in the winter. She'd make sure he had his "rubbers", scarf, hat and gloves. She'd kiss him at the door before he'd leave and wave until he got into the car for field service.

    Who's this "we" you're talking about, cameo? You stated in several posts that you are not and never were a dub.

    ^^^ Above from Parakeet


    Birdie...I did not make that comment. That quote was a quote from Minimus's first post. Sorry that I confused you. I often have trouble with the quote box feature...sometimes it I quit using it after a couple of times.

    Usually I will make a quote by using the posters name and then add quotation marks. I failed to do that this time. I did however, separate it from the text of my post. But I guess that was not sufficient, thus this confusion.

    Thank you for pointing this out to me. I will try to be more careful and check to see that I have properly edited next time.


  • minimus

    The mama's boy who's now around 60 still does his preaching. I saw him this week. I'm glad I don't have to deal with him anymore.

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