Straight from my nursing book! lol

by mkr32208 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • mkr32208

    Ok this is awesome... I thought about scanning the whole page but then decided it wasn't really necessary.

    (This is eithics section by the way)

    Ok so "Joey" comes into the hospital he's 7 years old he's suffering from an acute sickle cell crisis that requires a transfusion. The parents are distressed but they can't allow the child to have a transfusion because;

    "Consequences of parents giving consent for a blood transfusion require the family to leave the church, family, friends, and the Jehovah's' witness community. Refusal of blood transfusion and blood products is a basic component of the jehovah's witness faith and if this covenant is broken the individual loses eternal salvation. Families are often shunned by their church community, and the child is perceived as an outcast because his future beyond death is affected by the ingestion of the blood. Regardless of the eventual outcome of the child's health status..."

    Ok so what does the ETHICS book recommend?

    "Initiate action! For the parents sake it is better to obtain a court order for life saving transfusion than to ask for their permission. This removes the decision from the parents and prevents the parents and child from being ostracized because the mater was removed from their control..."

    I friggin LOVE it! Right from the get go they say take it our of their hands. This is hilarious!

  • mkr32208

    Shoot I forgot to mention that Joey is a JW... I guess you can gleen that from the rest of the post!

  • JWdaughter

    It is really good advice. I think a lot of JWs quietly let the court do its thing. I know that my family did, and they still get credit for their faithfulness while allowing their children to get proper care. I think most JWs consider it an acceptable loophole. Or I could be generalizing:)

  • mkr32208

    I just thought it was a funny take on how "worldly people" view witnesses...

    They always try to pass of this BS to the faithfull about how great a witness their stand on blood is. They just don't seem to understand how they are really viewed because of that stand!

  • Balsam

    That is the perfect answer, the parents should not be consulted but a transfusion should be given without the parents in put since they are Jehovah's Witnesses. This is exactly what I have told nursing students when they have contacted me through AJWRB.ORG. It removes the responsiblity and choice so the parents are not punished by the JW religious leaders.


  • yknot

    This has always been an area that makes me feel uneasy. Granted most JW parents are happy to have the court make it a no-fault thing but still when we dismiss the rights of one group it isn't to long before we use the same reasoning to dismiss another.

    I offer up for the board to discuss Catholism and the rape kit and a minor victim. Should a Catholic victim be court ordered to take Plan B/Preven or should a Catholic Hospital (the only hospital serving the community) be ordered to provide the drugs. Does this situation deserve the same response as Joey's? Can a comparison be drawn regarding a parents decision to DNR a terminal child?

    BTW which book is your class using?

  • crazyblondeb

    In 16 years of nursing, I have helped get the ball rolling on 2 cases involving court orders

    for blood transfusions. One family thanked me, the other family tried to get me in


    I'd do it again, in a heartbeat!

  • dinah

    If my daughter keeps on her chosen course, she doesn't need a textbook to tell her what to do.

    Did I mention I am so grateful she wasn't raised as a dub?

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