UPDATE on Saddest day of my life

by WuzLovesDubs 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Wow you guys...what a difference five days makes. Thursday we went to see S and he was feeling more encouraged. He was more upbeat and hopeful and he said they were going to give him some medication to help him sleep and to help get rid of the voice and the hallucinations he was having. They were going to give him Symbyax (sp?) which is an antidepressive and an antipsychotic. So I gave them permission and they kept him longer to see how it would affect him. So Friday when I spoke to him in the evening he was overjoyed that it had worked, and he had slept wonderfully and was rested and he had a smile in his voice :) and the only voices he was hearing now were real people. I was soooooooooooo relieved. Then they gave him one more dose Friday night. When we went to have lunch with him yesterday, he was bouncing in his chair before we could even sign in mouthing the words "IM GOING HOME TODAY!" to me and smiling! We had a great "debriefing" session with the counselor and the rest of the kids...and it was really great by the way, they dont mince words with these kids....and Sam was talking and hugging us and laughing and happy. He told the whole room of people at the hospital how much he loves us and that he is looking forward to continuing to see a counselor and talking openly about his problems from now on and not keeping things inside.

    I brought his cell phone and his iPod with me so on the way out to go to lunch with Dad (who was there through all this) he was calling his friends, and texting and listening to his music and hugging and hugging me...it was amazing and beautiful. He kept commenting on how beautiful the day was and the treees and the sky as we drove. I have my boy back!! We had lunch then went and surprised his sister at Cold Stone where she works and she about came flying over the counter when she saw him. We picked up one of his friends to stay the weekend with him and he went bowling with his sister and dad while I went to work yesterday, then to CiCis pizza and was watching a movie with his friend when I went to bed. Im sure he is exhausted. And finally I SLEPT too! Next Wed. is his 14th birthday. I see the joy of life back in his eyes and it is directly from God.

    Thank you sooooo much for all your support, good thoughts and prayers for my baby. He might be 14...but hes my baby forever!

    love, LD

  • cameo-d

    I am happy for your news.

    This is a wonderful turn of events!


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Nice to hear!

  • Gill


    Glad to hear that things are on the 'up' for you and yours!

  • chickpea


    absolutely wonderful!!

  • Robdar

    I am so happy for you!

    ~Many hugs~

  • mkr32208

    Keep an extremely close eye on him please. Many times the first few weeks on antipsychotics and antidepressants are the highest risk for self harm. I'm glad he turned around but please WATCH HIM. No guns or weapons in the house AT ALL and just keep your eye's open.

  • caliber

    Hope is the thing with feathers
    That perches in the soul,
    And sings the tune without the words,
    and never stops at all.

    None can share fully another's grief and pain until we have

    walked in their shoes

    Never the less I wish to share this thought of hope !


  • jamiebowers

    Congrats, but please do keep an eye on him. The biggest problem with mental illness is stopping the meds, because the person thinks they're healed.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Be cautious though.

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