For the faders and inactive - is it possible to be a regular Joe?

by truthseeker 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Did you ever wish you could be an average Joe and forget everything you knew about the Watchtower Society and its teachings?

    What do I mean by average Joe?

    For those not familiar with the expression, "the terms Average Joe, Average Jane, and Joe Shmoe are used primarily in the United States to refer to the average American."

    Does the average American, or anyone for that matter think about the following terms on a regular basis? Probably not.


    Universal Sovereignty

    Ransom Sacrifice

    Preaching Work

    Minor Prophets

    Great Tribulation

    "Is your family prepared for survival"

    The average Joe likes his weekends, watches the SuperBowl, plays pool, goes fishing, just men and women doing average things. Now, while they may believe in God and even go to church midweek or weekend, their awareness of life is not generally raised to such intense levels concering the terms above.

    In my experience since leaving the dubs, I wish I could have an average Joe outlook on life, but it's difficult because as I was born in the truth, I have had Armaggedon, demons, great tribulation, pioneering, "the truth" drilled into my brain five times a week for 30 years.

    Even though the Society's scriptual interpretations require mental gymnastics to even understand what they're trying to say and none of their prophecies have ever come true, the fact is that while I can accept the answers and interpretations are wrong, I cannot forget the questions.

    The deeply ingrained indoctrination requires you to think about these questions on a daily basis (the days text), on a weekly basis (at the meetings) and twice a year (at the assemblies and conventions) and not forgetting the preaching work.

    Is the average person walking down the street thinking about Armaggedon and survival, no they are going about their business, they are enjoying their lives.

    There's nothing to stop us who have faded or are fading from having a normal life, the problem is as a JW are awareness of the terms above and the questions they entail means we think differently from most of the population.

    I guess the best way of explaining this is to think of the question in one of the WT brochures, "Does life have a purpose?"

    And perhaps this is what many of us have to come to terms with, we are aware of these issues and now perhaps feel obligated to look elsewhere for the answers.

    Perhaps all I want to do is forget the questions, but as this is not possible I feel compelled to look for answers.

  • journey-on

    Have you watched the History channel on TV lately!? It is all about Armageddon, death and destruction, the dying planet, epidemics and food shortages!

    Also, there are so many "end times" proponents spouting stuff about 2012, and they are as bad and hopeless as the JWs ever were!

  • yknot

    I certainly hope it is ....... (ahh ex-JW nirvana!)

    I would like to add to your list...

    "Be not part of this world"

  • truthseeker


    unfortunately I don't have the History channel but I do see your point.

    People are doing something about the problems of global warming, alas it might be too little too late.

    The point I was making is that while the average guy is aware of these problems, they do not fill his waking hours as our lifes were filled with WT publications, and I remember being told we should be a witness 24 hours a day.

  • truthseeker

    Yknot, nice one, I forgot. :)

  • willyloman

    It takes a while, but it does go away. It's all about what you feed your head. Garbage in, garbaage out!

  • chickpea

    get out of your head!
    if it is still chock full of
    the indoctrination,
    then you have to crowd it out!!

    go volunteer at the
    local dog shelter...

    sign up for a 6 week class
    at the local tech college...
    you will meet non-JWs and
    learn something new
    ( i am going to finish 2nd class in
    conversational french next week)

    find a cause and make it yours...
    clean air, safer schools, healthcare reform,
    local political concerns...
    careful tho, lest you develop a real passion.....

    go to and make an
    interest-free micro-loan of $25
    to a 3rd world entrepeneur
    (the loan will be paid back)

    go be an average joe
    so you learn to think
    and behave like one!

  • blondie

    I grew up with a pedophile father and alcoholic mother. While things fade and heal, they will never completely go away unless I have a brain transplant. I feel the same way about the WTS.

  • nicolaou

    Whoa Blondie! We've been sharing this forum for the past eight years and I didn't know that about you.

  • garybuss

    A big issue for me when I disconnected from the Witnesses when I was 30 years old was I didn't have a long term plan for my life. Even for me, the constant Witness doom and gloom indoctrination took it's toll. I lived my life for the short term. I had a constant feeling of impending doom.

    It's hard to work for a long term goal when inside I feel like I'm gonna be struck dead any minute.

    Actually the things I did right were accidental. I worked hard, but without direction. In my early 30's I started to get a business education. Growing up a Witness, I didn't have any practical models. My dad saw success as failure and he worked to stay below the line of poverty. In that context, my dad modeled what I didn't want to be.

    I lacked real heroes and teachers. Witnesses taught me that success is a sin and education is dangerous. My good luck was finding good mentors in business. They taught me basics. I started to read . . . a lot. I was fascinated with the history of Henry Ford. I read everything I could find about Ford the man.

    I took college courses that helped me in business. I went to every demonstration and seminar I could go to. I took CPA courses. Later I look commercial real estate management, investment and brokerage classes. Now I define success as friends, security as health, and happiness as comfort.

    Anybody who says money won't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop.

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