Beautiful Day~How will you spend it?

by StAnn 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    Roberta's perky as hell:

    And she was completely wrong in her forecast (well, except that it is cooler today). It's a beautiful, beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky. It was really nice biking this morning in the cool morning air.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Good weather here, too. I think I'll spend part of the day here on the apostaweb, and the rest of the day dreaming about drowning baptizing to death that perky Roberta!

  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    I removed the snow shovels from the decks,

    replaced the flannel sheets with the summer ones,

    had to take my sweatshirt & turtleneck off by 10am,

    replaced with long sleeve T & bare feet for the first time this year!

    Spotted a robin out kitchen window, were one had built a nest last year.

    Made a to-do list for tomorrow of more winter to put away.


  • Sad emo
  • jamiebowers

    Today I opened the windows to air out the house after a long, cold winter. Then I assisted my husband with installing my BRAND NEW DISHWASHER, ( Yeahhhhhhhhhh!)...napped a little while he ran the water lines. Then friends came over for pizza and iced tea...all in all, a lovely day.

  • StAnn

    Jamie, I opened all of my windows today, too. It was so nice and breezy!

    Sad Emo - cool video. Never heard that before.

    Good night, all. The end of a perfect day.

    St. Ann

  • WTWizard

    All of which sounds a lot better than wasting it dressed up in a suit knocking on doors. I thought how those witlesses are doing just that, and I would be out there knocking on doors in the heat (it went from 35 to 82 from 5:30 in the morning to mid-afternoon).

    Yes, I prefer the snow--at least with snow, I can remember when boasting sessions used to be cancelled. I have never seen one cancelled for good weather.

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