Athiests: Do You Hate Religion?

by shamus100 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shamus100


    I don't hate religion, personally. It may sound like I hate it on this forum, but nothing could be farther from the truth. If it keeps people grounded and gives them hope, then it's a good thing. If it's true and they go off to heaven or whatever, then it's a good thing.

    But dwelling on religious extremism does nothing, IMO. If every athiest who committed crimes were lumped together, we'd be painted the same way.

    Any comments?

  • mkr32208

    I hate it. It's pure unbridled stupidity superstition and ignorance running around acting as if it has as much right to exist as science and logic...

  • Mastodon

    I hate it. I hate what it does to people. I hate what it's done to mankind. I don't hate religious people, except for the ones that one to force feed me the bullshit they believe in.

  • Quirky1

    I don't hate it but there is good and bad in all religions and I have seen more of the bad especially after being a witless. Just cannot do it anymore..

  • drwtsn32

    No, but I hate it when people don't spell atheist correctly. ;)

  • nicolaou

    I hate, loathe and despise religion, but I feel it's important to make clear that I don't hate people who are religious.

  • shamus100

    Well crap.

    I'll keep that in mind - automatic spell-checker has ruined me. (imagine stewie saying "ruined")


  • undercover

    In one sense I hate religion: at best it only enslaves people into believing silly, superstitious myths and legends and at worst it incites people to hatred and violence.

    Yes, many religions run charitable institutions and help in aid and relief efforts, but so do other organizations that don't rely on faith based community. If religion didn't exist, aid, relief and charity would still find its way.

    But, religion has played such a major role in the history of the world that one has to appreciate the art, literature and architecture that has resulted over the course of human history.

    I think we're living in a transition period where religion is starting to lose its grasp on people's minds and hearts. As humans evolve and become more knowledgable about the world and universe around us, we'll have less need for religion. At some point, it will become a quaint idea of how humans used to live in the ancient past. It's not something that will happen quickly, but I think we're seeing the momentum start to pick up.

  • viva

    I think it is not unfair to say that religion is the greatest evil we face as mankind. Some religions are outright violent some religions condone and support violence. Many religions are intollerant. Very few religions really are peaceful and tollerant. And these religions at best lead thier followers on a dead end path, with unrealistic expectations of the afterlife.

    That said, I don't hate religious people, many are mislead.

  • Warlock


    I would never hate a good money making idea.


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