Are there things they DON'T tell you until AFTER you're baptized?

by lavendar 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Put simply, JWs feel that the End justifies the Means.

    As such, they want to get you into Jehovah's protective Ark, even if it means glossing over the destructive elements of the group.

    Therefore, as with most cults, Deception is a part of the Recruitment process.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


  • shamus100

    LWT hit the nail on the head.

    To be certain everyone understands: Disfellowshipping is CLEARLY explained to you before you join given the "rosey truth". I.e. you have to be completely unrepentant before you get DF'd. It's not completely true, though. Jehovahs "loving" arrangement is anything but fair. It's very deceptive.

    To those that are born-in, there is no time for deception. Either get baptized or you're out of the family. Those are the ones that I really feel for.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    They dont tell you that you are to love bomb trusting individuals into bible studies, tricking them into thinking you are friends now and that you CARE about them, all the while count the time you are USING them, then if they dont make progress just DUMP them back where you found them. Dusting your self righteous feet off as you leave them.

    They dont tell you about Judicial Committees where you arent allowed to have anybody with you, nor any support, nor any recording device, nor any witnesses in your defense...and that they will ask you intimate questions and you WILL answer them or your life is in their hands.

    They dont tell you that nobody in Bethel really gives a shit about you. Its not a big world wide brotherhood at all but a collective with individuals who are afraid to be exposed as doubters for fear they will have their families taken away from them.

    They dont tell you that their history doesnt even remotely resemble what they document for you to read...that old literature is their enemy and exposes their lies and deceit...that to think is a sin and to express thoughts...a death sentence.

  • homeschool

    they dont tell you that once you've joined, they believe that there is NO excuse or reason as to why you'd want to leave. And then you must either officially disassociate yourself, causing any loved ones still in the faith to shun you for life. Or you will "technically" stay a part of them for the rest of your life (but "fade" and not show them that you really love to celebrate birthdays and christmas), continually feeling like you should Disassociate yourself. Grrrrrrr.

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