Why did you leave and did you still hold on to some beliefs for a while?

by happpyexjw 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The first doubts I had were about the bible itself. The flood story was too outrageous for me, even as a kid. And the cruel and unjust way god seemed to dispense punishment in the Old Testament. The story of David and Bath-Sheba's child never sat well with me. I could never get a satisfying answer as to why the child needed to die.

    As far as JWs go, the biggest issue for me, initially, was the idea that they focused so much attention on their works, yet at the same time promoting the idea that salvation was a free gift, not something we could earn. I could never reconcile this contradiction. I never believed we were being genuine when we said we were being motivated by love. I decided that I wasn't going to waste any more of my life if I wasn't convinced it was the truth. That led me to investigate the religion further, from outside sources. Now I don't believe any of it, anymore.

  • garybuss

    One of the negative things I carried along for quite a while was the feeling of impending doom that I had acquired at a young age from over exposure to the Witness people. Witness meetings were nothing more than lessons on how to sabotage member's lives.

    I struggled with seeing financial prosperity as a negative for too long as well. Thankfully I have a pragmatic streak and a curiosity that took me into the backrooms of my mind. The implications of my re-education forced reality on me and the realizations required a courage and a will that took mini vacations . . . seemingly of their own free will. Eventually I began to accept reality as something I could live with long term.

    At some point I saw that my personal goal was to be indifferent to the Watch Tower Witnesses and comfortable in life. I defined a life that was obtainable and sustainable and worked toward that goal. I found out that results are a product of the direction of action.

  • viva

    I left because I am an athiest, it is quite hard to be an athiest JW. My journey to being an athiest began early, unfortunately I was baptised earlier. I stayed in for a long time due to family and friends. Eventually I could not take living a lie.

    Of course being an athiest I don't maintain any of the witness teachings. I was out mentally long before I actually left.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I left for specific reasons - mainly the corruption at the top, and arrogance of the local sales-elders. I was bothered by some doctine, but more for the flip-flop nature of the 'Truth' doctrines, which it clearly was not.

    For a time, I looked for something to fill the holes left. I found all the churches to be so similar that I could not join any of them, though I attended a few. I shortly rejected all religion, especially that of the 'Christian' variety, built as it is on the clearly fabricated/doctored/mistranslated Holy Writ to which they adhere. I continue to respect those who believe in religion.

    Today I practice no religion at all, but retain a spiritual nature of sorts, though I would hesitate to call it belief in anything specific. I am likely more in the agnostic group than any other, but clearly feel that doctrines of most sorts cannot be substantiated in any meaningful way. So I avoid them. Jw doctrine is no better than any other. All guesses and bit of superstition thrown in most of the time.


  • chickpea

    a severe family crisis led to a denouement
    regarding my activity and association with the dubs,
    precipitated by a gradual fade i did not know
    was underway....

    however! a completely unrelated forum on which
    i serve as a moderator had me researching material
    and links submitted for the resources board....

    a link to a link to a link led me to rick ross's site
    which led me to JWD.... being somewhat disengaged
    from the b0rg, just a few days of browsing the site
    sparked a fury in me against the WBTS that sealed
    my fate as an apostate....

    i carry no teachings or beliefs...
    in fact my quandry has become,
    not: jehovah, are you truly god?;
    but: is there a god?

    having been "in the world" prior
    to assimilation into the b0rg, i
    have experienced holidays
    and all the other hub-bubbery
    eschewed by the dubs...

    been there, done that...
    feel no urge to participate
    OR to run away screaming...
    case by case is how i take it now

    kiva.org is the only gift i consider giving anymore

  • happpyexjw

    Thanks for all the great comments. It's interesting how individual our paths out of the wts influence have been. In many ways, I relate most to AK Jeff who said, "Today I practice no religion at all, but retain a spiritual nature of sorts, though I would hesitate to call it belief in anything specific."

    I have tried some churches but I just can't quite get into it. I am reluctant to 'JOIN" anything. Some have mentioned they have been able to attend a church and take what they like and leave the rest, but that doesn't work for me. To me, it is OK to believe whatever you want as long as it hurts no one and you aren't forcing your own ideas on anyone else. Live and let live.


  • oompa

    I lost all belief instantly when i found out we had actually changed the bible (our nwt) and covered it up quite well........all the stuff i had doubted for years came crashing down......so few dubs know this it is pathetic...WT are freakin wordwizards...........oompa

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    A large portion of core JW "beliefs" consists of things that they don't believe (hell, trinity, immortal soul, purgatory, etc.). Thus, it is pretty easy for ex-JWs to continue not to believe these things that they have not believed their whole lives.

  • oompa

    damm you are soooo smart olin...that is a GREAT point!!!.........oompa

  • doofdaddy

    I stopped attending due to the 1995 "generation" about face and the reaction of the "elders" when I asked them for their opinion on this radical shift.

    All I was told was that I was dispaying apostate thinking by questioning this clarifying. I was also told that the wtbts had always taught this interpretation......

    So, once the scales were off my eyes, I questioned (and rejected) all jw teaching.

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