In a Jam and Without One Friend

by cameo-d 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    From a different angle

    I have felt loneliness often during my life not from being in a jam, but rather because I ran out of bread!

    To me, the adage is true "the friends of the rich are many."

    Now JWs use as a nose hook the sharing of what they have (a form of Communism). When members leave they lose that support. Preparation for such separation has been purposely vilified by the group as an incentive not to leave.

    I have seen that when an unbeliever builds themselves up financially hardliners somehow modify their position in hopes of coattailing.

    For many, I firmly believe that being a JW is actually an occupation.

    cameo-d: Gather some gold and the Pirates will be back for your booty!

    I've seen it ...

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    IMO the isolation of people that wt teaching causes is one of the most destructive things the organization does.

    Absolutely, I agree with the above statement. It's destructive and it's their biggest weapon to keep people imprisoned within the cult. You can see it right here on this forum. People are afraid to leave because they don't know anyone outside of JWs.

  • Quirky1

    The last jam I was in I was still a JW and none of them came to help. My non JW family and others that I didn't even know came to help. Go figure...

  • lurk3r

    Cameo, I think i know how you feel.

    Dear Cameo. Perhaps you can bear with my ignorance in asking a question or two, especially considering that I really don't know you like others apparently do.

    "In a Jam and Without One Friend"

    Is this the way that you actually feel at present, or do you ask it trying to seek? I'm most curious about this. Does your heart match the likes of your head? You often come across as dismissive to me. You ask questions, and many of them. Some folks " not in the know" want to engage and sometimes it seems like your on a mission. Are you looking for answers? Perhaps better put, do you see yourself as a modern day "fisher of (wo)men"? I mean really, what's in a name? One definition of cameo is "A brief vivid portrayal or depiction". While you have many questions, you also have very strong opinions on some things. More often than not, you present your opinions WITH questions, all the while making your thoughts presented even more obscured to the average joe like myself.

    thank you. lurk3r

  • cameo-d

    Who is my brother? Who is my sister?

    Those who can understand and know how I feel.

    Thanks for the responses and encouraging words you all.

    I had a crisis this morning and it frightened me. Most of it is resolved now and some positive things came from it in the aftermath.

    In thinking about your replies to me:

    Ninja.......stronger? Maybe, but that comes down the road. Sometimes the need is immediate. What I do know now is that I must plan better in case there is a "next time". Planning for the unexpected....remaining calm and clear headed when confronted with calamity that requires a myriad of decisions in a few minutes. Can't know all the variables...but you can get it down to a pattern of a few basic necessaries of procedures.

    Apocryphal.......I learned my lesson about auto break downs a long time ago. I have had a road service for years. My road service card also gives prescription discounts, hotel discounts, maps, and lots of other goodies.

    Snowbird.....Your mother was probably hoping your sisters would follow your good examples and she may have thought she was encouraging that by holding you in higher esteem. Sometimes "psychology" backfires on us. You would think people would grow out of the sibling rivalry after so many years.

    Nellie....I never thought about anyone going through my underwear drawer! But that gives me an idea. I think I will start a diary and fill it with unbelievable tall tales which I shall label as my 'Memoirs'. Anyone that has the job of picking through my stuff deserves some good entertainment!

    CoCo....don't EVEN talk to me about PC problems. That is a headache I am not ready to deal with. I am getting ready to do a scrub here soon. Glad you are back on line.

    Ataloa....boldly go where I never thought I could? Sometimes half the problem is just figuring out what to do to resolve the situation. Sometimes in a crisis there are several things you must deal with at once. First step is prioritize. I can't go anywhere till I know what direction I am headed in.

    Sometimes things come at you so fast and unexpected that your head spins. The surprise of it all tips you off balance. There is no time to delay and you have to be ready to think quick...and hope you are making the right moves.

    happy exjw....IMO the isolation of people that wt teaching causes is one of the most destructive things the organization does. When you try to leave you may have no safety net whatsoever to help you

    See, I knew exJWs would know how this feels. Although I am not JW or ex....other things can put "worldly" people in the same situation sometimes. Like moving to a new town where you know absolutely no one, or having had work consume you and taking no time to build a social life, or having no family living near-by, or having no family. There are many factors that can cause us to be isolated....and isn't that ironic in a world that is 'supposed' to be overcrowded? If it's that overcrowded we should all have more friends than we count.


    Removing yourself from a religious group like the JWS is challenging for most people, they kind of set you up like the congregation is your new family,

    I know that is true because I have heard many many people say that and give examples of it by all the "love bombing". All the more reason that it is a very hard step to jump off the edge into the unknown and finding yourself totally alone.

    It's not like I don't meet's just that I suppose I am very choosy in selecting friends.

    Berean....I know there are many "fairweather friends" out there. I have seen users, backstabbers, ladder climbers, desperate clingers....I have pretty much seen it all. There are sometimes good reasons that some of us isolate ourselves. Disappointment and caution are good reasons.

    Scarred...."People are afraid to leave because they don't know anyone outside of JWs."

    Yes. I know that's true. And when it comes to trying to make new friends...all you can do is cast your bread upon the meet people and extend the opportunity for friendship, but sometimes there is no response. Sometimes other people already have all the friends they want, or a very active life, or busy with too many other things. Or maybe they just don't like your haircut.

    Quirky.... I don't see how JWs could really be dependable to help in a crisis, because they are always on their way out to a meeting or service and that takes precedence over anything else.

    Lurk3r....hahaha. I am definitely ready for a psychoanalyst at the end of this day! As you can see from my response, the question de jour was not meant to be "simply esoterical"!

  • Warlock

    I'll take preserves without that one friend, thank you.


  • moshe

    I have been in a jam or two, but I was always able to get myself out of it- good insursance is worth it . Depending on friends is a crap shoot and depending on JW's is a sucker's bet. Yes, I believe that non-JW's are more likely to help out a JW in distress.

  • cameo-d

    Moshe..."I have been in a jam or two, but I was always able to get myself out of it- good insursance is worth it "

    I'm glad your insurance was the answer.

    My momma always said "If money can fix it, don't cry."

  • Robdar

    Yes, I've been in a jam without one friend. An acquaintance who hardly knew me came through for me. She gave me a gift that I believe not only saved me from disaster but helped change the course of my life. I don't know how she knew or why she did it. She also didn't want my thanks or my friendship in return. That event taught me many things.

  • cameo-d


    That sounds like a very interesting story. Maybe you will post it someday.

    Thanks to everyone of you for the comforting words today.

    Things could have been worse, but even so I learned a lot from this crisis. One thing I am walking away with from the experience today is realising there are safety networking things I need figure out and now trying to think of what kinds of preparations I need to make in order to help a handicapped person to be more independent and self reliant should some unforeseen emergency happen to me.

    I was only going to be gone for a few minutes but something happened that I could not get back and I could not get word to someone who is dependent on me and needed to know this. That was only part of the problem, but it was a priority.


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