QUIT PUSHING IT AWAY.................PLEASE..........................

by Warlock 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Warlock
    Thank you for being here, even though you areill-tempered at times.

    Ha, ha.

    You think I'm ill tempered here!!!!!??????

    Actually, I'm quite the kind soul here.

    You should have the privilege of meeting me in person.


  • watson

    "He said...."

  • beksbks

    Ill tempered? Warlock? He's just as sweet as sugar!

  • boyzone

    I certainly don't push my experience away, in fact its my experience that pushes me away! I would love to "chew the fat" with old aquaintances as this'll help me remember the good times not just the bad. However that isn't allowed.

    So what do I do? In the last 2 years I've changed my life. I've lost 5 stone in weight and gained back my confidence. I've moved house and am reaching out for more responsibility in my job. As I've learned the real value of unconditional love, my children have benefitted from my change of attitiude and our relationship is much closer. Life is now something to be embraced and lived, not the forever waiting for something to happen.

    Am I pushing my 21 years of JW experience away by doing all this? I don't think so. The JW experience taught me to be a person I didn't like at all. Now I clearly recognise the methods the Society used to mould me into this hard-hearted judgemental, inflexible person I once was. These methods I can avoid like the plague now.

    My black or white mindset has also faded. Its incredible how "sure" I was of everything. Nobody could argue with me as I was always right because I was a JW and we had all the answers right? Of course life isn't that simple, there are many mitigating circumstances to take into consideration when assessing a matter, considerations I was unwilling to make as a JW because it didn't suit my argument to do so.

    But now the lessons have been learned. Hard lessons too. I have my JW experience to thank for giving me the clear comparison between a hard-hearted person, and one with compassion, between a arrogant know-it-all and one prepared to listen to both sides, between one who shows love to only those that agree with me, and one who shows love to all without conditions.

    No, I don't push my experience away, I embrace it, learn from it. For its the comparison between my JW life and my life now that makes me so happy to be an ex witness.

  • Still Breaking Free
    Still Breaking Free

    Wow, boyzone, well said!!!

    I agree wholeheartedly and when you hear these expressions from others who absolutely know what it's like it's another tick in the 'sane' box!!!

    Thank goodness!

  • snowbird
    Actually, I'm quite the kind soul here.
    You should have the privilege of meeting me in person.


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