What do Elders tell Circuit Overseer's about inactive members during their visit?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I bet that nothing will happen in my congregation until the humanoid that dragged me into the cancer finds out when I get out of work, gathers around $1,000 for supplies and necessary things for me, and gets permission or decides to go out without their permission. At which point, and without warning, he is going to find me and physically drag me back to the Kingdumb Hell, likely after a stop at his house, get my s*** (a crap outfit and a call book that is too fancy), get my hair cut, and set me up for field circus.

    Hopefully, he is ready to lose quite a few of his calls when I start telling them that there is nothing to be "saved" from. Either they are going to realize that Original Sin is nothing but a scam (in which case, there is no "emergency"), or they are going to think this is a Satanic cult intended to spread atheism (and then they will not want to belong).

  • awaken2004

    I've always imagined that they conveniently lost my card. They can find me if they wanted to or at least get a message to me through my family.

    They haven't tried in years.

  • fokyc

    Certainly NOT the truth!

    The Circuit Overseer only knows of your existence when he sees your record card on the Tuesday afternoon,

    unless he has met you previously.

    IF the Elders don't want him to know about someone who is inactive; they simply remove or lose your card.

    If subsequently he 'discovers you', the Elders word lies will always be taken over anything you might say.

    An Elder from another congregation asked about me whilst at a circuit assembly, my wife's Elders indicated that

    'I was disfellowshipped', they always win! with their lies. I am in fact 'inactive' since 1994


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