Jehovah's Witnesses - No Different From the World

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    What kind of problems characterize today's world? first, hateful division - in which anyone who doesn't belong to your particular nation/tribe/sect/gender preference/sub-culture is denigrated and somehow, inferior to you.

    Next, how about deception? Is that rife in the world today?

    And drug abuse? That's common today, isn't it?

    Well, if you read the Awake magazine carefully, you might discern that Witnesses aren't different from the world. (May 2009 - the issue with the sneaky looking blond hottie on the cover).

    On page 27, we find the experience of a brother who survived the horror of the killing fields in Cambodia. Along the way, he managed to get to a refugee camp where he was given a Bible and supplied with food, apparently for a year.. And how, with typical Witness gratitude does he refer to them?

    As "Christians" - in quotation marks. ( also in " English speaking visitors I met in the refugee camp said they were Christians").

    But wait! Aside from these so-called Christians, who took an interest in refugees amidst likely disease and horror ( unlike broke-a$$, donation-deficient, "leave-em-with-a-tract-and-move-along-Witnesses"), How else does the Watchtower use the word Christian?

    Well, they use it as a code word to hide their own shortcomings - as on page 9. You see, when the Watchtower wants to trumpet it's "virtues", it offers an experience of a woman who broke free from drug dependency by studying with Jehovah's Witnesses. However, since drug dependency is a common problem among Jehovah's Witnesses, it just wouldn't "do" to clearly identify an Witness with this problem in a published experience , so she is simply identified as "a Christian".

    How about that! You can visit a war-torn 3rd world area and hand out Bibles and food but only be a "Christian" (in quotes) in Watchtowerland, but be a Christian ( without quotation marks) even though you have been "addicted to prescription drugs for years" ( page 9)

    Of course, we can only guess about drug addiction among Witnesses because the Watchtower Society has strongly discouraged Witnesses from answering surveys of any kind about the organization - in both the KM and a letter to elders. I guess they fear what modern statistical methods might expose about their "spiritual paradise" = especially since family breakdown is already epidemic among them.

    Look, this is the simplest aspect of being in this miserable world. My religion/nation/group is better than yours and I will cover up whatever I have to so that it appears so! I'm a Muslim, you're an infidel. I'm a born-again and you're going to hell. I'm Jewish and you're goyim. I'm a Christian but you're only "Christian" (unless I need to use you as an unintended ally to fend off taxes in France - in which case I'll drop the quotation marks).

    Division. Deception. Drugs.

    Jehovah's Witnesses. No different from the world.


  • StAnn

    Metatron, you are mistaken. There are no divisions amongst the Dubs. Except, of course, for the anointed, for whom Jesus is the mediator, and for the great crowd, for whom he doesn't give a crap. Two groups of Dubs~the ones who matter to God and the ones who don't.

    And no one is ever made to feel inferior to anybody. All Dubs are equal. Of course, that's unless you're NOT pioneering and you're talking to someone who IS pioneering, then you're definitely inferior because you put materialism over your devotion to Jehoober. Or if your husband isn't an elder and the woman you're speaking with is married to the PO.

    Deception? The Dubs don't practice deception. Just brainwashing, revision of their literature when prophecies fail, spiritual warfare, and lying to people who aren't entitled to the truth. But that's not deception....

    You've got me on the drug abuse issue. I believe that, once you're baptized, you're issued a mega bottle of Prozac.

    And I don't know why you're ragging on those so-called Christians. Taking care of the sick and the needy. Idiots. Wasting their time on acts of mercy when Jehoober's new world is right around the corner and will take care of all of our ills! Silly so-called Christians.


  • SouthCentral

    Realistically, the witnesses are just imperfect humans attempting to live up to their own interpetation of the bible. They are really no different than any other religion (in the sense of being FLAWED). Catholics (Pope is the vicar of God), Mormons (Joseph Smith speaking to a special angel), Pentacostal (Do u feel the spirit?? I can see it!!) among others have quirks, errors and flaws.

    I went to Bethel and have never have been so ostracized in my life. I was a regular pioneer and was NOT dressed properly, therfore the ill-treatment. There were MANY things that showed me the flaws on that ONE visit.

    I have know elders that begged women to fornicate, wife-swapping, gang-members.........the list is endless. Despite feeling superior, the J-Dubs are just imperfect people!!!

  • sir82

    Nothing to add - just a BTT for a post that deserves to be seen.

  • WTWizard

    The difference is guilt. Worldly people do it. Witlesses do it, and then feel guilty about it. Plus, witlesses will think they have to make up for it by wasting more time in field circus the next month.

  • snowbird

    Great post!


  • Stealth

    Many good peoplewho joined the cult of Jim Jones were addicted to drugs before becoming a christain.

    So this proves that in some cases joining a cult can help one get off drugs. It's all in how you spin it.

    Of course the watchtower will spin it with those who joined Jim jones were "christains" not christains.

    The more that I am away for the WT religion, the more I realise that it is less christain then most others who claim to be christain. Who would Jesus disfellowhip?

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