If Atheists ruled the world

by Robert7 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert7

    This is too funny, and scarey. This is a video intenting to be sarcastic, but actually quotes people's quotes from Christian forums...

    Here in the Bible-belt I think twice before admitting my Atheism, because there are whackos who think like in this movie...


    Also, check out "Fundies Say the Darndest Things", http://www.fstdt.com/

  • WTWizard

    That is ridiculous. DNA is an acid, things dissolve in acid, therefore evolution is wrong? What about the hydrochloric acid in your stomach? Why doesn't it dissolve? And, without ascorbic acid, you would die. That doesn't take into account that weak acids do not dissolve people.

    And what about the wars that Christians and Muslims have started? Most of those are about spreading their version of the cancer of God into other countries--very often, one branch of Christians or Islams attack people of other branches of the same general religion. There have been wars intended to spread Christianity around the whole world. And religion has suppressed science to the point of starting the First Dark Ages and destroying the Middle East as a mecca of science.

    True, atheists can start wars. But usually those wars are more about control of resources, and are much more limited in scope than religious wars. But, when have we seen atheists starting a Dark Ages? I will bet that atheism is not going to be responsible for starting the whole world into the Second Dark Ages.

  • drwtsn32



  • leavingwt


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    "oh wait that's right........ monkeys don't live several million years!"

  • Priest73
    "oh wait that's right........ monkeys don't live several million years!"

    Shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

  • dinah

    Really disturbing part at 1:12. So without the fear of Gawd's judgement, this idiot would have killed alot of folks. Nice!

    My guess is that his brain isn't "evolved" yet.

  • startingover

    It gives me a good feeling to see young people like that using their brains.

  • beksbks

    Wow Good thing I don't read those forums, I'd be afraid to leave the house

  • TheSilence
    Really disturbing part at 1:12. So without the fear of Gawd's judgement, this idiot would have killed alot of folks. Nice!
    My guess is that his brain isn't "evolved" yet.

    I think the kids in the video are actually trying to highlight how idiotic these arguments are. The kid who said that was actually quoting from the site that was posted at the end of the video. Everything they said was taken, word for word according to the end, from comments on that site. I don't think these kids were supporting those views, I think they were mocking them by showing how stupid they sounded when said seriously and all put together like that.


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