What was your most boring public talk title?

by truthseeker 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I don't know the talk # but the most boring talk title ever had to be "Who Are Qualified As Ministers of God?"

    Next came "Parents - Are You Building With Fire-resistant Materials"

  • WTWizard

    I once had a #2 talk on 1Chronicles chapters 1-3. That has to have been the most wasteful book ever written--they repeat Genesis chapter 5 (and I note that, with the exception of Enoch, there is not once where they mention anything especially righteous about any of them). That talk was a complete waste of time.

  • viva

    Not the most boring, but the worst was the talk on the bible agreeing with science (don't remember the exact title). Giving that talk made me physically ill.

  • stillajwexelder

    Outline number 13 "A Godly View of Sex and Marriage"

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I only ever did readings, i always used to get nervous about it because they evaluated you in front of everyone, i was never comfortable with that idea.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Outline number 13 "A Godly View of Sex and Marriage"

    Somehow, they always managed to make sex boring.

  • Outaservice

    Mine was:

    'Hell, what is it?'

    Hell, I didn't know!


  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    " Gifts in Men",...referring to ELDERS...

    african GB member

  • lonestar63

    Outline number 13 "A Godly View of Sex and Marriage"

    My dad gave that talk while he was an elder.

    At the same time he gave that talk he was having an affair with a sister in the congregation.

    I wondered why he squirmed so much thru that talk.

  • Bubblie

    Any of the outlines that had to do with our service, it would mean a plug to pioneer. Trying to make you feel like you weren't doing enough.


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