How did some people get black after Noah's Day?

by asilentone 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    As for blonde haired scandinavian chicks - what more proof do ya want? shit they even look like angels

    Good point, I'm glad this discussion has been cleared up.

    Now I want to know about the Neanderthal people ?

  • unclebruce

    Interesting point homerovah,

    I think most bible scholars here would agree that Neandethals, Chromegagmen, gigantipithigus, Hercules, the yeti, yowie, bigfoot and suchlike were the abomnible hybrids of demons and fallen angels and not very good swimmers.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I found the answer on You-tube

    Seek and Ye shall find

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    They were born white with just a little black speck, and it continually spread until they were all black.

  • JimmyPage

    The WT once explained how in the new system the black man will eventually turn white as he nears perfection. Since those on board the ark were righteous they must therefore have also been white. As successive generations became more and more imperfect the black population increased. Their evil nature is easily seen in WT-banned activities such as rap music and baggy clothing. As the Society says, hip-hop is a lifestyle of rebellion.

  • asilentone

    Jimmy Page, I will like to see this in print. Where did you read it?

  • neverendingjourney

    As successive generations became more and more imperfect the black population increased.

    Funny how the opposite is true, but that's only if you believe in science, and we all know anything scientists say that contradicts the Bible and/or the WT is mere propaganda.

    It's believed that as humans migrated out of Africa, individuals with lighter skin tones were predisposed to live longer and were more apt to have larger families because the human body uses sunlight to produce vitamin D. Because the sun was not as overbearing in colder climates, and humans were exposed to less sunlight because of the heavy clothes they needed to wear in order to survive, humans with darker skin tones found themselves at a genetic disadvantage in colder climates up North. Their bodies were not as equipped to convert sunlight into vitamin D as people with lighter skin tones. Over time, as more and more lighter skin toned individuals lived longer and had more children who lived longer, the human populations in Europe shed the darker skin tones that all human beings originally had when they were confinded to the continent of Africa.

    But who cares, right? That stuff about black people turning white as they near perfection is old light anyway.

  • WTWizard

    Because there always were black and white people even before Noah. People migrated out of Africa, and the ones that migrated into temperate latitudes (especially north of 50 o N) were predominantly white. Those in tropical regions were darker. In between, you had various mixes of races.

    That also explains how kangaroos made it into Australia and not in Asia or Europe.

  • donny

    Abednego was was African-American?

    Wow, America was in existence 4000+ years ago? Damn the Society for keeping that one from me! LOL


  • donny

    Now I want to know about the Neanderthal people ?

    Neanderthas were the original rednecks. They were a people of modest means who tried to use ordinary items to make fancy objects.

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