Osama Bin Ladin tapes(confession)

by OUTLAW 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I heard that Bin Laden ig going to stage two sometime in ther next few days, and that it involves a nuke.

  • Abaddon

    refiner fire; It must be nice to get updates from the intelligence community. How do you do it?

    Sorry to be sarcastic, but I think you might be taking some bullshit artist too seriously. And quite possibly scaring some people unneccesarily.

    Of course, it might be a really clever tactic to use nuclear weapons once 95% of your forces have surrendered, and when you control a fraction of a percent of the territory you formerly controlled (and that's mostly underground).

    Personally I would have used nukes as a 'back off' gesture before I got my ass kicked that thoroughly, so at least I had some territory and some troops left. And if I was in a cave, I'd be damn certain using nukes would mean that I'd be breathing sarin before sunset. Kill by NBC, die by NBC (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical) is an old understanding. But, bin Laden might of just fluked carrying out the WTC thing, what with all the training and the timing and all, and want to go out in a blaze of glory.

    For me, the disturbing thing was, they expected the top floors to collapse. When they saw both towers completely collapse, they praised god.

    We got to be awful careful what we praise god about, I think, be it little Jimmy getting over cancer or whatever. It leads to insanity; when do you stop?

    I hit return! Praise God!

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Stephanus


    "You've got the brain of a four-year-old boy, and I'll bet he was glad to get rid of it."
    - Groucho Marx

  • JT

    The comment was made expressing the following feelings:

    "Oh yes....On CNN.com, they have the transcript to the tape and it was horrendous. I don't think I've ever been so angry in my life...Hearing these ignorant men talk about the twin tower attacks and then say "Blessed be Allah", it made want to fucking throw up."


    this is the very reason that so many persons find it so hard to believe in a "god"

    not to single this one poster out, but to merely point out how disgusted this person felt and "IF" this poster had the power to do something I am sure based on the above post they would have-

    so that raises the question in the minds of many about "GOD"

    being that most religions teach he is ALL KNOWING - THEN that would mean that he knew about and saw the PRE-PLANNING of the WTC 9-11 event

    yet he didn't feel the anger that this powerless human felt who made the above comment

    as a jw i recall and perhaps many of you recall asking the householder the follwoing:
    "If you had the power to stop suffering ,crime, etc WOULD YOU?"

    And of course for the most part most would answer of course i would-

    then we would go into the god will soon routine-

    but the fact of the matter is god has done nothing-

    so if we as humans are moved to want to see justice done against one who takes others lives without any regard-

    why has god been "Chillin" all these years many would ask--

    i spoke with a firm bible and god believer yesterday about abortion

    i personally don't like abortion, but if someone is in a situation they need to make the call not me- anyway she pointed out to me that on the avg 50 million babies are aborted each year- and i didn't argue with the numbers --in fact i used the numbers to make point about her "GOD"

    she belongs to a group that protest clinic and so forth- fine with me no problem if that is how she wants to spend her sat

    beside most of us spent our sat selling wt- smile--

    anyway i asked her why she and groups like her put so much effort into trying to save these unborn babies and her god had no problem watching as YOU SAY 50 million babies die everyear and he lifts not a finger while you guys are out there standing in front of some clinic in OHIO in the rain.

    she COULD NOT ANSWER why her "God" was so silent on the issue

    as i walked away i could only feel sorry for her for her all powerful god was useless in helping according to her -- some 50 million babies each year-

    as Calin the standup comic says- this god WANTS MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JUST MY 2


    A man who refuses to think is a fool,
    A man who can't think is a idiot,
    A man who is afraid to think is a coward.....

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