Suggestions for Easter?

by JimmyPage 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JimmyPage

    I've never celebrated this holiday. I have a toddler. Any suggestions on how to do it up right? All I'm thinking right now is hiding some plastic eggs with candy inside for her to find and put in a basket. Maybe let her play with a wind-up baby chick toy or a stuffed rabbit. Probably read about Jesus' resurrection with her from an illustrated children's book. What else you got?

  • wizardca

    Eggs with money and some with candy hidden outside. A basket or a plain ol' plastic bag. Never had anyone ever bring up JC during this occasion. Guess everyone was more into the candy and money than the meaning behind it. :) Ooooh don't forget the See's Candy Eggs!!!!

  • Chalam


    Probably read about Jesus' resurrection with her from an illustrated children's book.


    Some ideas here

    Easter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    All the best,


  • primitivegenius

    just dont do the whole boiled egg thing............. i got to do that once growing up........... sure the eggs are pretty and might be fun to decorate......... but they aint much fun to eat. those plastic ones with candy or money in them........ much better route lol

  • jamiebowers

    just dont do the whole boiled egg thing............. i got to do that once growing up........... sure the eggs are pretty and might be fun to decorate......... but they aint much fun to eat. those plastic ones with candy or money in them........ much better route lol

    You can pickle them or make egg salad.

  • LouBelle

    plastic eggs - no thanks - how about chocolate eggs to eat. If she wants a pet you could get her an actual bunny :)

  • carla

    Here's how it went in my non jw house (mainstream religion) when we were little- the easter bunny hides a basket in the house and in the basket is various chocolates, jelly beans, Robins Eggs, don't forget a chocolate bunny, etc.. and maybe one small gift type item like a mini stuffed rabbit, cheap wind up toy, fancy pen with feathers on the end, mini book or what not. I still do a basket for my kids even though they are nearly grown up, they don't let me hide it anymore though. You could do an easter egg hunt in your yard and fill the plastic eggs with candy. My parents have an Easter egg hunt now.

    Will you color eggs this year? We used to spend an entire afternoon making fancy eggs. Pick up the dye at the grocery store by the eggs or read the back of a vinegar bottle for directions. You can wrap your egg in a rubber band and that part will stay white, see how many colors you can get on an egg before it turns ugly! after eggs are dry it is time to bring out fine point Sharpie markers and make designs, we did lots of eggs with crosses and 'He is Risen', use your imagination. Eggs that have cracks become Humpty Dumpty.

    You can also blow your eggs out and then color & decorate them to keep for posterity. Take a sharp needle and make a hole in each end and blow hard into sink, rinse and your set to go.

    What to do with extra dye after all the eggs are gone? Take plain white sheets of tissue paper and fold up accordian style, fold that into a triangle (or whatever) so you end up with a neat little triangle, dip corners into dye, yes, it will bleed. Allow to partially dry and unfold very carefully, allow to dry completely, iron, use as tissue or iron onto freezer paper and you have a sturdy wrapping paper or book cover.

    Another Easter tradition is to make Easter braid bread, the braid represents the crown of thorns, red eggs represent the blood of Christ as well as being 'born again' or new life in Christ, I will leave it to you to Google the correct interpretation of the Easter Braid Bread.

    Of course when my jw became a jw any eggs I brought to my parents for Easter dinner were filled with scriptures about Jesus, He lives!, Whosoever believes, bodily resurrection, He is Risen, etc...etc...

    When I was young I was in the church choir and Easter service was a big to-do so I had to be to church early and stay for both services. In between services there was a pancake breakfast. Easter for us worldlies was fun, somber and joyful at the same time. His resurrection was to be celebrated and was a joyous occasion.

  • Priest73

    Quick! Hide the eggs! Here comes Jesus!

  • JimmyPage


  • Priest73

    Here come Jesus! Hide your eggs.

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