The WTS need a new tentacle of control

by passwordprotected 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    They need a new tentacle of control.
    In my opinion they are growing such a tentacle; fear of leaving.

    Perhaps it's the way you've phrased it, but my response, after reading your response to Blondie, is this: Since Rutherford's day, fearing (the consequences of) leaving has been a staple of the Watchtower's methods of control. Given the examples you used at the outset (Adventists), there could be atotally opposite response as the decades pass (e.g., becoming more like the Adventists and Mormons).

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I agree that they are tightening the screws when it comes to fear of exiting. Many of the WT studies since there has been a members only edition have centred around that topic.

  • Farkel

    Blithe Freshman,

    :Something about how long Noah preached before the flood and how near the end is,

    Noah never "preached" even a WORD about the flood. He never preached about anything to anyone for any reason. The WTS jerryrigs Heb. 11 to make it appear that Noah did preach, but read the account in Genesis.

    God had already and unrevokably decided everyone but Noah and his immediate family should die. He never asked Noah to try to save anyone else. Never. Even if Noah HAD preached and even if people WOULD have wanted to enter the Ark, they would have been killed by God anyway. Genesis is very clear about this.

    So that "new light" is just another pile of shit heaped upon the piles of new light shit previously promoted by the Watchtower Coroporation.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The toilet bowl of the WTS is full of new light and broken promises that keeps on piling up, but you've got to hand it to them they're quite

    good on covering them up and keeping the lid on the whole mess.

    Its no wonder people who've looked at them say the are of Satan's power and control because they are indeed quite

    the prodigious deceivers.

    I hope one day someone flushes that toilet and send them down the drain where they belong.

  • Lost-In-Translation

    The next five years are going to be pivotal ones for the WTS. As mentioned the year 2014 will mark the 100 years of the "last days."

    In an attempt to keep as many Witnesses in their organization the younger members of the Governing Body are trying to cosmetically recreate a "new" Jehovah's Witnesses. A Jehovah's Witnesses that is easier to be a part of. The WTS has:

    1. Eliminated the Book Study as a separate meeting
    2. Shortened the Public Talk to 30 minutes
    3. Consolidated 3 meetings - and refashioned the look of Our Kingdom Ministry
    4. Permit both parents to report field service time when conducting a family study with their children
    5. Authorize reporting of 15 min increments of field service
    6. Cancel all meetings the week when a Special Day Assembly, Circuit Assembly or Distric Convention is held. Prior to the change only the Theocractic School and Service Meeting was cancelled. The various Bookstudy groups still had to meet during the week or do a "study and a half" of the material the week before and after the assembly.
    7. Invent special campaigns so that the only thing Witnesses need to do for a few weeks is just hand people a tract without saying much. "You see - preaching isn't all that difficult. All you need to do is say a few words, give the tract, and walk away."

    The WTS is trying to make it easier for current Witnesses and future converts. Just one midweek meeting and one on Sunday. Witnesses can even get some field service time by just studying with their children.

    Nevertheless, the WTS always emphasizes that the "last days" started in 1914. To survive the end one must align themselves without question to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. One must accept that the WTS is the earthly organization that Jesus is using to "separate" people for salvation. That is the control they will always use. They will continue to say "We do not serve with a date in mind - we serve with eternity in view."

    I do not think they will use any "new tentacle" to control the Witnesses worldwide. The WTS will continue to try to make it seem easier to be a Witness with organizational changes. They will keep stating that these are "truly" the last days and that Witnesses should not be serving God with a date in mind. With the passing of 2014 I believe many will be severly disappointed that an earthly paradise has not been restored. Many Witnesses will probably say "These are the last days of my being part of this organization!"

  • greendawn

    It's clever mind tricks all these seductive promises, promising eternal happy youth and life within the near future, within easy grasp. Then come the conditions: it's there for you provided you obey the WTS and its, gasp, divinely appointed leaders. It is their main selling point that's why they are so reluctant to give it up even now when it looks awefully outdated and trite, they will carry on flogging this almost dead horse.

    It's a smart ensnaring spider web that served them so well but it can only last for so long. The end that never comes is no end.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Well said GreenDawn

    You might think as WTS as the big spider that sucks the life out its entrapped victims

    to keep itself alive and thriving, only to replaced by new victims once the old ones die off.

  • passwordprotected

    @ Lost-In-Translation - fantastic observations.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Very well written and a nice little summary of the Society's date-based predictions. I always enjoy reading your considered posts Passwordprotected.

    Excellent food-for-thought but cannot agree entirely with the conclusion. The organisation has had periods where there was no date in view. You allude to that in your article. After 1925 there was a big gap until 1975 was touted. So what kept the organisation growing between 1926 to the late 1960s?? It was the world events, the depression, famines, another even bigger world war, increasing immorality, etc. Its the same today. We have a global economic recession that could get much worse, there are always wars and rumours of wars going on and increasing fear of nuke weapons, increasing terrorism and sophistication of terrorists, lawlessness and worsening morals, horrible diseases, famine, etc. What keeps the growth continuing is their creed that all these things form a general 'composite sign' since 1914 that will culminate in the Great Tribulation. In fact, most non-JW Christians would also say that we are in the 'season' Jesus spoke about before his return.

    All Christians hold to the hope of Christ's return and they are taught in scripture to keep in expectation of this. This scriptural Christian worldview is, however, abused by the likes of the Watchtower organisation to keep control and money flowing in. They have warped the legitimate Christian hope of Christ's return into speculative wishful thinking and cultic mind control.

    Of course, they have always used fear, to varying degrees, to keep people afraid of leaving. I agree we are seeing a slight escalation in the directness of the fear language used in the new internal study editions of the Watchtower. Whether this turns into something more extreme remains to be seen but if it does, that won't happen for quite some time I think.

    Otherwise, I agree entirely with Lost-in-Translations very insightful comments. We are undoubtedly seeing a more liberal influence at the top level in terms of the JW's works programme (meetings, FS, etc). The agenda indeed appears to be make it easier to be a JW but keep beating the 'end is near' and 'you must stay with us for salvation' drums as loud as ever.

    However, I do believe that if the growth begins to severely drop off after 2014, which I expect it will, the Society will begin to hint at 2034 more (120 from 1914; parallel with the "last days" of Noah's system), possibly culiminating in another fairly firm prediction in the late 2020's. But any increasing emphasis on a possible future date like 2034 won't be noticed until a clear trend emerges of a long-term drop in publisher numbers, which trend I expect to start between 2015-2020.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    What keeps the growth continuing is their creed that all these things form a general 'composite sign' since 1914 that will culminate in the Great Tribulation.

    In fact, most non-JW Christians would also say that we are in the 'season' Jesus spoke about before his return.

    One has to take note though there is an obvious intension or unintentional expression of mis-information that get used by apocalyptic book and

    and literature sellers like the WTS., pinpointing currant events and disregarding past events in human history. Perhaps its this lack of knowledge of history by the receiver

    that makes the information coming out of organizations like the JWS unfortunately viable and truthful when the reality is something quite different.

    New ideas will pop up when old ides become weak and falter, this is the direct responsibility of the GB members or I like to call them Marketing Executives of the

    organization. Yes they are trending back now and weakening off the pressure put onto their followers , but thats most likely due to their new enemy the information

    highway of the inter-net. Dam Al gore and his inter-net !

    The WTS will always have the tentacle of fear and ignorance to manipulate and exploit people, its been working for them

    for the past 100 years now, why change a good thing if you don't have to.

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