Why do we care so much?........

by oompa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    for immediate family and friends??.....why do some of us go nearly crazy cause we cant get them out???........why does it matter so much to us?..........some are better off in as they are too old to replace their entire social structure....like my folks

    i keep thinking of that 'don't hide your light under the basket' thingy....so maybe that is it. maybe it is because we feel we are unable to be FREE and GROW as long as those close to us will look down on us or shun us totally.......so we want their approval or at least their understanding....so many of my fam and friends seem pretty happy.....yet i so want them to believe me, know the real truth, and wake up.....yet i know that can be soooo frikkn painful........this is really conflicting me......which is why i still fight the urge to just run far, far away..............oompa

  • BurnTheShips

    Blood is thicker than water.

    My best friend is a Bethelite, and he doesn't know I am out. My conscience gnaws at me to call him and tell him the truth and reason with him.


  • oompa

    omg burn....surely you have planted seeds or something?.....no vibes at all from your friend?....and how does he not know??.......taking the plunge with him would be life changing i would bet........be careful.........oomps

  • Farkel

    :Why do we care so much?

    I don't give a shit, and I don't even give a shit that I don't give a shit!


  • BurnTheShips

    I've known him since I was three. We grew up together. He has been up there since we were 19. His whole adult life. Lately I've been thinking of calling him or even flying to NY to see him. He is a pure hearted person, he is also a very good and innocent one, a beautiful soul, you don't meet his kind in this world very often. If I convince him of the farce, it will break my heart to see his world crumble. BTS

  • oompa

    Burn...how long has he been there? A good buddy of mine was let go about two years ago....a dept. head! he is still single and was ther for 27 years...just turned out to pasture and is now a 'special pioneer' in some podunk areat of the woods........i hope he is happy but dont see how.....

    your friend is the one i wish you could just ask "have you ever wondered if we were wrong?".......how can they not admit to even having the thought?......maybe that is a good way to start as all it shows is maybe a bit of doubt or weak faith........my dad says he has thought about that but is ok that he has led a good, happy, moral life surrounded by similar people..........oompa

  • BurnTheShips

    I would have been out in 1998. My terrified wife called him in Bethel, and he talked me back from the brink. Read the whole Epistle of Jude to me over the phone.


  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    I know where your coming from Oompa. I let go. Stopped bashing my head against the wall. It hurt: I was getting headaches. It's a bit like love, no matter how much you might want someone to love you : You can't make them. And as for running: I am now teaching English in China and loving it. And guess what ? No one ever knocks on my door to tell how bad things are in the world. I doubt the chinese would listen to them anyway. They see the world as it is and always has been and are not likely to trouble themselves with the thought of what it could be. They have careers to pursue families to care for. They are content with their lot in life Sure they want to improve it but they don't put conditions on their happiness saying to thenselves if I had this or if I had that I will be happy

    Come to China Oompa

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    OOMPS baby,

    I think you're stuck in a pickle. Purgatory is a bitch! Being out mentally, but not being able to fullfill any of the "new life" stuff that comes with that.. .leaves you with... NEITHER. I think thats the problem. You cant be a witness, and you cant be worldly... welcome to the matrix!

    You also care about your family and friends because you're NOT a worthless bastard!

    Hows that for a compliment!

    Love ya OOMPers!

  • lancelink

    I think because we have developed very organized, conditional relationships with many persons over the years.

    Hey Luo bou to,

    do you have a brother who was an elder for years in a cong. in Illinois, then switched over to the spanish cong?

    send me a pm if needed. Don't worry,, I'm no spy.

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