Hello, everyone - long time no see.

by whyamihere 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Yes, it is I - Whyamihere aka Brookie with a side of nookie.

    It's been awhile and I thought to stop in and say "Hi!"

    Been busy with remodling and *cross your fingers* selling my house! Also, pondering the idea of building my own house - going solar, geothermal heating and cooling and maybe throwing the idea of living off the grid, so to speak. The idea of giving energy, rather than take - seems to be a responsilbe way of life for me.

    The kids are doing great. Lily is 7 and in first grade and at the top of her class. Lily's teacher had told me her writing ability is exceptional. Lily has said she wants to be a author. Writes books for me all the time. Jack is 5, he is all boy - need I say more. Jack's hobbies are sports, eating endlessly and is fascinated with the idea of never wearing pants. Yeah, big difference between the both of them....lol.

    So, what's everyone up to these days?

  • Emma

    Good to hear from you Brooke; the kids are sure getting big! Sounds like they're doing wonderfully, too

    I'm jealous of your plans for living off the grid and building a new home; keep us posted!


  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey Brooke!

    Glad to see ya around and sounds like everything is good for you. If you think the little guy eats a lot now, wait until he's a teenager


  • rebel8

    Brooke, I'm still using your money saving techniques, saving change and whatnot. I'm almost a millionaire now.

  • whyamihere

    Emma - Good to hear from you, hope all is well. Yes, living off the grid would be awesome. It will take awhile to plan and build and I'm trying not to get tempted on just buying now with the rates being so low.

    ex-nj-jw - Don't tell me about the teenage years to come....lol. Jack already eats 2 or 3 sandwiches for lunch and then asks when dinner is ready an hour after he ate. People would think he would be over weight - must go right through him.

    rebel8 - Well, I hope that it works for you, most people don't do my method, but it worked for me.(not for everyone) My brothers and I always save our money - habbit really. However, its harder as a parent to save, damn kids cost money.

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