Big Love/Mormon Temple Ceremony Understanding Why people would do something so freakish

by FormerMormon 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • FormerMormon

    Big Love will be showing some of the iiner workings of Mormon Temple rituals this Sunday. It could freak a lot of people out. I wanted to write and tell how/why people would do something so wierd.

    There have been several HUGE changes to the temple ceremony. They used to swear blood oaths against the government and the "murderers" of horny Joe. Those were taken out in the 1920's. Before 1990, there were other blood oaths(I got mine in 1985). We would use our thumbs as a symbolic knife and ritualistically/symbolically slit our throats and stomachs "rather than reveal"ing secret signs and tokens and handshakes in the Temple. There is another ceremony "washing and annointing". We used to get nekkid under a poncho. Some old guy (or girl for the women) would reach under the poncho and ceremonially wash and annoint various body parts with a finger tip of water/oil. I personally was never touched in the privates during this ceremony, but MANY exmo's have reported that they were touched on the privates.

    Huge changes took place in 1990. They don't do blood oaths anymore. Many of the rising generation don't know about the blood oaths. You are not supposed to talk about sacred/secret things. The blood oaths were so freakish that people don't like talking about it, so the rising generation is clueless, unless they allow themselves to read on the web(then it's never reliable and probably just "anti"..

    I don't know which version Big Love will do, or what they will show on Sunday. I do want you to understand the mindset-- why would people do something so freaky?

    As you know, a cult tactic is "milk before meat". They don't want to hit converts with the really freaky stuff until they have been properly conditioned over time. part of that conditioning is cognitive dissonance. Cults HAVE to have irrational beliefs (the flood is a good example). It doesn't make sense, so the mind gets turned off, rather than exhausting itself trying to incorporate it into reality. They get people used to repeatedly turning their mind off. "We'll understand that in the hereafter"-- kinda thing. Another habit they want you EXERCISED in is blaming yourself. I wasn't healed because I didn't have enough faith. My magic garments didn't protect me- it must have been because I masturbated as a child - or whatever excuse - get people used to blaming themselves, and get them used to turning their minds off.

    The temple experience is super freaky and super secret. Relatives will build this up as a mysterious, magical experience. You don't know if you are going there to see an angel or what. Faith promoting stories are very abundant, yet undocumented. This provides faith and deniability when confronted. This contributes to the Emporer with no clothes phenomenon. Everyone is in pretend mode that this was such a marvelous experience.

    The first time through the Temple, they assign you an escort. An escort is usually a family member or close friend. They say the escort is there to help you through the many costume changes that take place. I firmly believe the escort is there to keep you from saying WTF and bolting for the door. The Temple is a very quiet place. You are afraid of making any noise, causing any disturbance, standing out. They divide men from the women. Several times they give you the opportunity to back out from making these "covenants", but the atmosphere is one where if you do stand up or say that you don't want to take these covenants, you will stand out like a sore thumb. It's almost like denying the prophet or admitting your unworthiness if you dare not take the covenants. So they condition you several times to not bolt for the door.

    So you go through all the steps. You pantomine killing yourself if you dare reveal secret tokens/names/handshakes. You feel freaked out and disturbed, but it must be my fault because my family and everyone else is telling me what a wonderful spiritual experience it was. You end up blaming yourself. You go home. Everyone is pretending and assuring each other about what a wonderful experience it was. There is so much info in the ceremony. They give you many ways to find POSSIBLE ways to infer something spiritual to the experience, of learning something "new".

    What a relief to get on exmo sites and have so many say how freaked out and disturbing the whole things was. How nice to be with other who aren't afraid to say the emporer has no clothes.

  • sacolton

    I have a friend who is Mormon. Him and his wife go to some room at their ward to mediate or something. What is that all about?

    Is there one shred of evidence that the Isrealites came to Central America in a boat and built a civilization? Levites?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Before 1990, there were other blood oaths(I got mine in 1985). We would use our thumbs as a symbolic knife and ritualistically/symbolically slit our throats and stomachs "rather than reveal"ing secret signs and tokens and handshakes in the Temple.

    This sounds similar to the Masonic initiation ceremony. My father was one and I saw such an initiation when I was pre-school age. Seriously freaked me out. I really thought the iniatiate's throat was being cut!

    Did they get this idea from Freemasonry? Just curious.

    There is another ceremony "washing and annointing". We used to get nekkid under a poncho. Some old guy (or girl for the women) would reach under the poncho and ceremonially wash and annoint various body parts with a finger tip of water/oil. I personally was never touched in the privates during this ceremony, but MANY exmo's have reported that they were touched on the privates.

    What is the thinking behind this ceremony? I mean what is its purpose? I've heard about this ceremony and I thought it had something to do with being sealed. Is that incorrect?


  • FormerMormon

    I don't know about any special meditation room at local chapels. I think any room can be meditated it.

    If there was ANY reasonable shred of evidence that indians are Hebrews, I wouldn't be posting here. Mormon apologists have all but given up trying to establish a middle eastern connection. At this point they are trying to argue that the Lehites bloodlines were diluted into the asian population. We haven't been testing the right tribes, or whatever. They have recently cracked the code on Mayan Hieroglyphics. We can read the stuff as text now. It is interesting to note violent episodes during supposed UNIVERSAL times of peace in the Book or Moron (after jesus came here). The evidence against the BOM is mounting daily.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Is there one shred of evidence that the Isrealites came to Central America in a boat and built a civilization? Levites?

    Actually if you Google something like "hebrew stone in America" you'll get some interesting information

  • FormerMormon

    The Mormon temple ceremony is Masonically based. JS was a mason. The church claims the masons had a corrupt version of the temple ceremony that JS restored to it's perfection. Washings and annointings are a little ceremony that promises to "wash" you clean of the blood and sins of this generation. Then they "annoint" you as kings and priests, Queens and Priestesses unto the most high god. It reminds me of bailout money. After printing a few trillion, being a God kinda loses it's special status.

    Sealings are another ordinance (marriage). This can be done for yourself/spouse or vicariously for the dead. It is done in a sealing room. It has an altar both kneel at. Cool mirrors opposite each other creates a cool effect of repetition into eternity. Both recommit themselves to the cult. The woman gives herself to the man and the man receives her. No there is no sex in the temple, unless the "General Authorities" are having some after hours fun I am not aware of.

  • FormerMormon

    Double Edge

    There have been a few stone carving found with Hebraic inscriptions. It's interesting to note that the few cases where this has happened, are also close to Mormon settlements. Further, why would SINGULAR cases be found? If hebrew was common, shouldn't it be found over and over and over again? Also, liguistshave disproven a Hebraic origen of Indian languages. English has vestiges going back to our origens in the INDUS valley. They can't find such vestiges of Hebraics in Indian Languages. The Book of Mormon had a unified people speaking the same language circa 400 AD. They would have had to invent a WHOLE new language every year for a thousand years WITHOUT any hebraic vestiges until Columbus came in order to explain the many languages extant at the time.

    I am not saying there couldn't have been European or African or whatever explorers. The claims that Hebrews populated a barren continent are patently false.

  • FormerMormon

    I think I need to add something. They do the washing and annointing prior to that other stuff. They have since changed the near naked washings and annointings. That's another thing that preconditions you for the temple experience. Picture this, you are NAKED under a poncho. Someone has been reaching inside and touching you. Do you ever feel as VULNERABLE as you do when you are naked? If that doesn't put you into a pliant state of mind...

  • sacolton

    How does the local wards or temple keep tabs on who is contributing to the honey pot? Is there pressure to get members to make generous donations?

    What's the story about the magic underoos?

  • civicsi00

    Whenever I was talking to some Mormons, I asked them if the American Indians ever claimed to be descendants of the Hebrews. They stated, "No..." and looked sort of dumbfounded. I had been given a copy of the BOM and we could barely get past the Introduction page because I had so many questions. Needless to say, they've stopped coming by...

    Do they still teach that black people are cursed? Or that God was really a man who became God? Were these teachings even in the BOM?

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