Does anyone have actual EVIDENCE that Bethel is watching this site?

by BonaFide 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Let's put it this way......

    .....If you have some really nice juicy information about a high ranking JW who you suspect may be on the way out because he may have made the bOrg look like a cult from the platform/whatever.....

    .....bury it....

    ....We don't want it made public....

    PM the info to those you want to hear it.

    This is war. Don't give away your advantage.



  • quietlyleaving

    Or is that not a good question to ask because Bethel will read it and use the information somehow?

    I am still curious though.


    I think they do monitor sites like these but not in order to catch specific individuals and as Bizzybee said, the wts doesn't care. They have enough to worry about and seem to believe that their scare tactics work for the faithful. My hubby and my son who is an elder both know I come on here. In fact my son, who was visiting, said "mum can I borrow your laptop and then added I won't look at the websites you visit". I almost said please do!

    Of course they know about my countercultural stance and the why's of it. They don't agree as they feel its better to wait on Jehovah but they don't threaten me anymore. I have to tell you bonafide, I do use some of your tactics but my approach is to casually start semi political/philosophical/social discussions

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi ranking JWs should be able to do as much damage as they want without having to worry about having their exploits prematurely exposed by well meaning fellow apostates.

    If you really have to tell someone your fantastic piece of gossip, go to the pub, get drunk, and tell someone who doesn't have family members who are still in.



  • Scott77

    BF has asked for evidences to confirm if Bethel is watching this site. My computer has ant spam ware to blocks any virus and those spying stuff. But the information we post can identify us based on what we did ,where we went, etc Anyway, there is nothing to worry about. We are free minds right now. If there are additional information you want to reveal or to 'spill the beans', you can do so little by little and as long as you continue to make exit from the Borgo. Its a wonderful blessing to have a former CO on this site contributing in a way that 'build' us to keep going. I wish Ray Frank was on this site too as a former GB but unfortunately, his health might be an isssue.


  • ziddina


    Not to stimulate paranoia or anything like that...

  • chapstick

    Well, I know Beth and EL, and yes they're both watching...

  • ziddina

    Har de har har!!!

  • Farkel

    :Does anyone have actual EVIDENCE that Bethel is watching this site?

    If elders hide in vans and spy on houses and crawl around houses peeking in windows and bedrooms, what do you think?

    Who are their religious masters and who taught them? Who is more paranoid than the GB, anyway?


  • DesirousOfChange

    Seems to me there are numerous experiences of faders who are presented with reams of printouts from the their posts here. Who discovered their activities here? Who read all those "apostate" posts in order to have them as evidence? Did someone turn them in? Is there an ongoing effort to identify anyone here if they post too much personal info? Are those experiences evidence of the Holy Spirit at work, or just coincidences?


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