Would god (even if he DID exist) deserve to be worshiped?

by mkr32208 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • leavingwt
    Interesting ideas. Not sure what that link was about wt was that just to prove that if god exist he's the worlds biggest pos and needs to be kicked square in the nuts?

    That story illustrates my struggle to even fathom an all-powerful, but loving God.


    How big are God`s Nut`s?..

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • poppers

    If God demands worship then it's like Baba Yaga said. Any "real" God would accept worship but not demand or expect it, IMHO. What could possibly harm or diminish an omnipotent and omnipresent being?

  • mkr32208

    Ah, yes WT I agree wholeheartedly. I was just confused as the poor man who wrote that seemed to take his daughters horrible illness and death as some sign of gods LOVE... Disgusting...

    I'm doing clinicals on a pediatric cancer unit this term (in fact getting ready to head out the door) and I'll tell you right now if there is a god he deserved to be hung on that friggin cross. Heck even that wasn't enough punishment for that abomination. Paying for MY sins? MY sins are a grain of sand beside Everest to that freak's!

  • Caedes

    The theists are generally conspicuous by their absence on this type of thread!

  • CapedCrusader

    If through some miracle he does exist and there is an armagedon and I'm either alive or resurected I can say with utmost confidence that I will be giving "god" (not going to honor him with a capital) the finger.

  • jstalin

    LeavingWT - while that story is touching, I can't help but think about the millions of children who were slaughtered by Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Being stripped naked, shivering with cold and fear in the winter of Poland, and forced into rooms where they suffocated their last breath inhaling a toxic substance. Or standing in front of a pit and being gunned down while their parents watched or even stood next to them. Those who froze to death due to Stalin's farm collectivization. Or those burned to death in the air raids of World War II. Children just as precious as in that story you linked to. Where was god then?

  • snowbird
    The theists are generally conspicuous by their absence on this type of thread!

    I'm an unapologetic theist, and this is my first time seeing this thread. Since everyone's mind appears to be made up - pro or con - I see no need to add anything. Let us revisit this a thousand years hence. Sylvia

  • watson

    God will show you. You just wait.

  • BurnTheShips
    The theists are generally conspicuous by their absence on this type of thread!

    It is a bashing thread. The OP and most of the other posters don't want to reason about what worshipping God is, or whether he deserves it, not really. Why would I spend any time here responding? To be called "diseased mind" or some other epithet? I already posted on the other one from WTWizard.


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