Stuff we wouldn't do offline that we do here

by joelbear 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    Have a well-attended round-table discussion of which women are lusting after which other women.

    Have a well-attended round-table discussion of which men are lusting after which women.

    Have a well-attended round-table discussion of which women are lusting after which men.

    Have a warily-attended round-table discussion of which men are lusting after which other men.


  • zerubberballs

    sounds like the capt'ns got a thing for round tables 'n witches

  • Tammie

    This post reminds me of a commercial that is on tv. Setting: mom and dad sitting with the teacher. They are talking about the child's problem. Then the parents start acting like kids them selves-like sticking out their tounge.

  • zerubberballs

    shutup tammie and pass me the witch wench


  • Esmeralda

    Hey, Joelbear my sweetie, I have to say that my six year old (turning 6, b-day on Christmas day actually) argues a lot more rationally and reasons with more wisdom than any of the posters that you would compare her and her little comrades to. Don't believe me? Just read the posts I've put up recently where she sees through the WTS bullshit that it takes some adults a lifetime to see through.

    Six year olds have a lot more insight and a hell of a lot more honesty than many adults ever will! *lol*

    *hugs* love ya!
    (taking up for the six year olds! I remember being six and I made a LOT of sense back then!) *lol*

    P.S. Off topic, to Unc: Brucie baby, I still have not seen Moulin Rouge. Working on it! Have to pick up the video. Maybe it'll be in my Christmas stocking, who knows?

    ROFLMAO The first time I tried to type the name of that movie I typed "Mulan Rouge" *ROFL* You're on my mind Marilyn! *LOL*

  • joelbear

    Good point Esmerelda.

    This is one of those posts I make from time to time that really is pointed right back at myself.

    Part of my "turning the corner" philosophy for the new year is not to get caught up in non-productive discussions in any of the online forums where I participate.

    I am instead going to concentrate on finding people of like spirit and developing those friendships, both online and offline.

    At 43 I feel the Autumn of my life coming on quickly and as each day (leaf) drops into the past, I recognize more and more that life is made up of our friendships and the good times we share.

    take care


  • ChuckD

    Well said, Joel.

    Have you had chance to see: ?

    There are some interesting ideas presented there.

  • Seeker4


    Sort of made the same promise to myself. This past week or two I've had the flu and found myself grumpily jumping into a few discussions here simply to insult someone. Not so productive!!

    Loved Zerrubberballs comments - though I found myself in a discussion at a party recently where I was swearing a bit and discussing all sorts of religious ideas - though also laughing my head off most of the time. Embarrassed the little lady, I'm afraid.

    Good post, and good luck with your new year's resolutions!

  • Englishman

    But I don't want to be nice all the time!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • ChuckD

    A friend of mine has the following saying posted in his office;

    "A Gentleman is Never Rude Unintentionally"

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