What is your mission objective ?

by KnowlegeSeeker_UK 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    You are not alone KS.

  • carla

    The question isn't 'where else to go' but to Whom?

    There are many others preaching though not in the unbiblical way the wt requires. There are many who are passivists and do not go to war, the Amish spring to mind as well as some mainstream Christians. Any church you walk into will distribute free literature and many other cults similar to the wt also distribute free literature. Some of the mainstream churches around here regularly invite people to a service and even go door to door, they just don't come with the many false prophecies as the wt has done in it's history.

    Have you ever tried reading the bible all by itself? without the wt's? No one ever became a jw by reading the bible, there is no way to arrive at the same conclusions the jw's have by reading a bible, a non wt perverted bible that is.

    It is obvious you know very little of other faiths other than what the wt has indocrtinated you with.

    Individual jw's are good people? and? so what? I'm sure there are some 'good people' in many dispicable organizations yet do you want to belong to a group that has destroyed so many lives? ruined families, abused children, responsible for suicides, deaths, etc...... and spread a false gospel? Or are you willing to get out of your comfort zone and really research what you have been part of? If you believe in God, do you really think the day will come and you will face Him and you can pass the buck onto the gov body for all the false teachings you have been part of? You will have no personal responsibility for what you have been telling people at the doors what they must do for their 'hope' of salvation? What about making sure of all things?

  • leavingwt

    It appears that you are starting with the conclusion that God has "an organization". Further, you've concluded that God's organization must meet the criteria that Watchtower has set forth. Take a step back and apply an "Outsider" test to these assumptions.

    Please examine the graphic below and make an honest examination of what you've personally seen while a part of the organization. Then, ask yourself this question: If Watchtower is a false religion, how would I ever know this? If you accept what the leadership says -- blindly and unquestioningly -- then the correctness (TRUTH) of their teachings doesn't necessarily have any meaning. Moreover, their dogma demands loyalty to them -- no matter what the Scriptures say, no matter what your conscience tells you and no matter which direction that the Holy Spirit (the Helper sent by Jesus himself) leads you.

    Major doctrines have changed over the years. Did the Scriptures change? Of course not. Watchtower's UNIQUE INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE changed. When you're knocking on doors, what are you presenting? It could very well be something that is UNTRUE, as the teachings keep changing. Can you find a single Scripture to support knocking on people's doors to tell them things that are NOT true? I personally did this for YEARS. I told people that the generation of 1914 would be alive for Armageddon. Was I representing Almighty God while engaged in this work of deception? Honesty and humility demand that I admit I was not representing God, as lies and untruth are foreign to him.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    KS , your assumption that the JWS are the only Christan sect that is opposed to war is a false one , there many many Christian faiths that are

    against any kind of war and who actually have stricter social demands on to the sect's behavior. Mennonites , Hamish quickly come to mind.

    I'm starting to think that your recent discovery of information about the WTS. has startled you and may have broken down somewhat

    a pure serene image of the organization that you have had, given the information out there on this organization this is not too surprising.

    I'm sure your not alone by any means there many JWS that are going through the same upheaval based off the many unknowns of the WTS.

    coming mostly by way of the inter-net. The many falsehoods of this organization to keep it going and supported is alarming once viewed

    together as a whole. Many folks here and on other forums like this one have spent 10, 20 , 30 or more years in some fashion integrated with

    the JWS and have family members who are still apart of this organization, so like yourself we have been awoken too by this alarming information

    that you yourself have just stumbled upon and are trying to consume and evaluate.

    There lots to learn KS so stay tuned !

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    What is your mission objective ?

    Mine is to help as many as possible recovery from the effects of having lived in a controling organization that saps the life out of people and gives nothing back.

    Clearly we are on different paths.

    I doubt anyone can change the organization from the inside. R Franz was at the top, on the board of director=s and we already know what they did to him for trying to change things for the better. The door was widely opened as they kicked him through it

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    I can tell that you have just discovered some things that have made you question the JW religion for the first time. My heart goes out to you because it is a real shock when that happens. You have obviously invested much or all of your life so far into this cult. All of us here on this board understand what you are going through.

    I urge you to take a step back. Try to become more objective and open-minded. You will learn many things about the JWs, other religions , so-called "worldly people", and most of all yourself.

    I left the JWs many, many years ago. It still affects me and my family relationships. But leaving was the best thing I ever did. My life was opened up in a way that would never have been possible if I had not completely rejected and abandoned my JW upbringing.

    There are many churches and people that live a much more Christ-like life than the JWs have ever thought about.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    What is your mission objective ?

    Mine is to help as many as possible recovery from the effects of having lived in a controling organization that saps the life out of people and gives nothing back.

    I agree with that. To help others.


    Thank you. I apprciate your frank comments. I am a scientist in terms of my career. I deal with facts, thats what I mean by bias..Bias:"Predjudiced"....I feel we have been tarnished with such decsisions as child abuse cover ups, arms dealer stock holdings, UN association, I decided to stop researching at that point. i am not interested in any information bias against the society...Why would you consider truth,Biased/Prejudiced?..Information is true or it`s not....Ignoring truth about a subject will not help you to find the answers your looking for..

    My concern is "where else is there to go ?"..All the Christians I know go to Jesus,not the WBT$..

    Dont worry that doesnt mean I wont leave or that its more important than the wrong they are doing...I`m not worried about whether you stay or leave..Thats up to you.. However... who else id preaching ?..Have you ever heard of Mormons?..They go from door to door...... Who else says no to war..Lots of christians refuse to go to war..I doubt you`ll find an Amish general in the USA Army!..LOL!! ( i know about rand cam)...You know about Rand Cam?..LOL!!..The WBT$ is part of the War Machine..So am I..I own Rand Cam Stock..The WBT$ and I profit from war.. Who else distributes free (ok for tax reaons) literature ?..Free liturature?..There is no free liturature..If a congregation does not pay they`re Liturature Bill..The WBT$ will refuse shippment of any more Liturature to that congregation..Thats Hardly Free!!..Someone has to pay the Bill!.. 99% of Jw's are good people..99%..Thats a little over the top..Why not just say most JW`s are good people..That would be closer to the truth...There are lots of good people..The WBT$ does`nt have the maket cornered on good people..LOL!!

    In babylon 1% were doing it right..What does that have to do with the WBT$? In Jesus's day most were not doing it right...WHat does that havce to do with the WBT$? In pauls day the anointed were commiting hurrendous sins...What does that have to do with the WBT$?

    Where does it leave us ?..Sitting at my computer,talking to someone who is confused..LOL!!

    Id appreciate yr time and coment :)

    [ill be honest, iv been asked to consider all this by someone, im here playing devils advocate, i want to know what u thnk]..It`s been done before....This is a good site to learn on..

    Laughing Mutley

  • sf

    carla, breathtakingly, once again...NAILS It:

    No one ever became a jw by reading the bible, there is no way to arrive at the same conclusions the jw's have by reading a bible, a non wt perverted bible that is.

    It is obvious you know very little of other faiths other than what the wt has indocrtinated you with.

    Individual jw's are good people? and? so what? I'm sure there are some 'good people' in many dispicable organizations yet do you want to belong to a group that has destroyed so many lives? ruined families, abused children, responsible for suicides, deaths, etc...... and spread a false gospel? Or [[ are you willing to get out of your comfort zone and really research what you have been part of? If you believe in God, do you really think the day will come and you will face Him and you can pass the buck onto the gov body for all the false teachings you have been part of? You will have no personal responsibility for what you have been telling people at the doors what they must do for their 'hope' of salvation? What about making sure of all things? ]]

  • shamus100

    My concern is "where else is there to go ?"

    Dont worry that doesnt mean I wont leave or that its more important than the wrong they are doing. However... who else id preaching ? Who else says no to war ( i know about rand cam). Who else distributes free (ok for tax reaons) literature ? 99% of Jw's are good people.

    A) Where else is there to go? That's cult talk, and bible verses being taken completely out of context to meet an agenda.

    B) 99% of JW's are not good people. Look at the Scribes and Pharisees and see the comparison. Men after power, and an organization that thrives on low self-esteem.

    You have two choices; keep going and listening to the nonsense, just because they spread watchtowers and awakes all over the place, or leave. I think you need to do a little research from outside sources to 'make the truth your own'. It's up to you.

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