Do you still think like a witness.

by sleepy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    One of my customers asked me today whether I celebrate Christmas and birthdays almost automaticly I was about to say no.
    Then I realised I'm not a witness anymore.
    I didn't really want to go into a conversaion so I just said those things didn't bother me.
    So what things are here stuck in our minds like that ,that are hard to get rid of?
    Do you sill have a feeling arrmagddon might come , even though you don't mentally bleive it ,does it still effect you?
    Have you realised yet that you are not going to live forever and in fact you will die?
    We may know its not true mentaly but how deep a hold does it have psychologicaly?

  • mindfield

    On the Christmas matter, I have to agree with you, I'm not pro or anti-Christmas. It just doesn't bother me. Live and let live, and as for me, I'll just go along with whatever my family does, that is, not celebrate it.

    Armageddon doesn't bother me anymore... we're all going to die, armageddon or not, c'est la vie. As far as I know, death doesn't have any psychological hold on me. Maybe on a subconscious level, probably all of us have it on a subconscious level, but it's not a thought that recurs often.

  • rodnico

    A few nights ago I had a nightmare, and when I woke up I was pretty scared. I remembered that I had bought some Tarot cards for a friend for christmas...and the first thing that came into my head...I let demons into the house I need to throw those cards away. I told my never was a jw boyfriend he laughed out loud at me. Now I just feel kind of stupid. It is hard to get rid of those trained mental responses.


  • Escargot

    Well, I know what you are talking about. Even though I have DA myself over a year ago, I “twitch” over birthdays and x-mass. Also, There are some friends inside who still contact me, asking that I come back, get the "mark" off me so they can freely see me, not “under cover of darkness.” This gets to me more and more.

    It all tugs at me, I open Franz’ second book “In Search of Christian Freedom,” and re-read some points that remind me why I choose this path. Like one x-dub wrote, I still have JW withdrawals from time to time.

  • Mulan

    I haven't been to a KH in nearly 5 years, and am just now feeling like Christmas is just a great holiday. We did birthdays right away, because I always felt those were okay, and our family always remembered each others birthdays anyway (lifelong dubs too). Anyway, the JW mindset is a hard thing to break. When you realize that God doesn't really condemn anyone for those things, and that the prohibition was just a WTS rule, you can relax and enjoy them.

    As to Armageddon, I don't fear that, because I believe it happened in the first century, and the Bible is not prophesying about a future mass destruction. As another poster said, we all have to die one day.

    The important thing is.........THIS is the real life. Not a future pipe dream. So take advantage of it, and live life to the full!!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • kpax

    The certainty of death gives me more comfort then not knowing if I am going to live or not.


  • Escargot

    "As to Armageddon, I don't fear that, because I believe it happened in the first century, and the Bible is not prophesying about a future mass destruction. As another poster said, we all have to die one day."

    I would like to hear more about your viewpoint that Armageddon has already happened.

  • Mulan

    1. There is a great deal of evidence that Revelation was not written as late as the WTS says it was, but was before the destruction of Jerusalem.
    2. General Titus gathered his troops in the valley of Megiddo, a place, not an event, in 70CE before they marched on the city, and destroyed it. etc. etc.

    There are books about this subject. Any Christian book store should have them. Ask for Preterist theory books. I can't give you a title, because we loaned them to another person to read. They give very compelling evidence.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Satanus
  • JBean

    I love festivities of any kind so holidays, etc. never bothered me. The one thing that does bother me is the thought of dying. I really, really think living forever on a paradise earth is a great idea! I lived my entire life believing and hoping in that, so I'm really sad to think that it may or may not ever happen, in any sense, for anyone, no matter what they are doing with their lives. Jbean

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