Captive of a Concept... ordered it today

by cawshun 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • cawshun

    Has anyone that read this book passed it on to a jw friend or relative? If so, how did they respond to your sharing it?

    I thought about passing it on to my daughter and son-in-law after I read it, do you think that is a good idea? If

    not I thought I would sneak it in their mail box and act like I know nothing about how it got there. Is this too risky?

  • garybuss

    Captive of a Concept... ordered it today

    It's a great book. It's a good book to display the stupidity of the hammered to death Revelation study book.

  • cawshun

    Thanks Gary, I have read the reviews and can't wait to read it. I really want to get it to my JW kids. I was thinking about just droping it in their mail box, but don't want them to suspect me. I can play dumb like I have no idea what they are talking about. I just don't want them keeping my grand-kids from me. I'm getting no where with them and so worried about my young grand-kids being raised in this so called truth.

  • leavingwt


    It's a great book! It was the very first apostate book I purchased. Crisis of Conscience was immediately afterwards.

    The author is interviewed in this YouTube video:


  • lavendar

    Hi Cawhun,

    I have that book, and it's a GOOD one. Just as the title says....the book explains how JWs are held captive by the concept that the WTS is the only true religion on earth. That's why it's SO HARD to get through to them. It doesn't seem to matter what anyone says about the Organization (proving false prophesies, flip-flop doctrines, etc. etc.). They still hold to the concept because in their minds, leaving the Organization would be like leaving Jehovah.

    I think I'll read mine again......


  • cawshun

    Thank you for responding. I can't wait to read the book. Have any of you tried giving the book to jw's? I thought I could drop it in my kids mail box. I just worry that they will throw it out with the garbage. I have to find a way for them to read it. Any ideas?

  • quietlyleaving

    I must dig out my copy. If I remember correctly it takes a deconstructive approach, imo, to the whole 1914, FDS issue. I tried sharing points with my jw relatives but 1914 and the FDS is so sacrosanct I didn't get anywhere with them. The book did a lot for me though. Subtlety and addressing the damaging aspects of jwism are the keys to helping JWs I find. The full frontal approach takes too much energy but lots have had success with that approach

    good luck


  • Bubblie

    It is a good book but if I remember there were some misspellings in the copy I read about three years ago. Maybe, they have fixed that. Things like that make me crazy. It is easy to follow and understand so that is great and it isn't a giant book like Ray's Christian Freedom. I hope you enjoy it. Cawshun, try dropping some small stories from Ray's COC. You know like, the Mexican dubs paying bribes to the military so they don't have to join, with the wt approval or something you found interesting in his book. That put doubts in my mind, dropped from my ex. That can help weaken the belief it is the trooth.


  • cawshun

    Thanks Bubblie, I just never know what to bring up to them. When they think anything critical of the Wt is evil or apostate, the wall goes up. I thought if I could drop the book off in their mail box maybe they would be tempted to read it. My son in law maybe, my daughter is not a reader and too busy to sit down and read a book. If my son in law would read it I know he would discuss it with her. I just never know for sure what to do.

  • boyzone

    Hi Cawshun

    Most of us find it very difficult to impart information to people who don't want to hear it, never mind trained to view anything critical of the WT as satanic.

    I wouldn't put the book in their mailbox if I were you. They'd guess its from you and no amount of denying will convince them otherwise. They'll just think you're lying and be even more suspicious of you.

    The beauty of Captives of a Concept is that it keeps its points simple. In fact the logical points it makes about the WT are easy to remember and to casually to drop into a conversation.

    Don Cameron also advises to use the method of "playing dumb". In other words, ask questions, pretend you want to know the answers to certain bible questions or WT history, then get them to do the research in the guise of finding the answers for you. Really they'll be teaching themselves. He outlines this in the book and gives suggestions on the type of questions to ask.

    Its a bit of role-playing. You be the pupil and let them be the teachers. Only in reality the roles are reversed and YOU are the teacher. They just don't realise that.

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