Intellectual Dishonesty - Maximus post revisited

by still_in74 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still_in74

    Hey all,

    I just was looking at some of Maximus' old post and re-enjoyed his first topic. Its a great thread about the intellectual dishonesty of the WT and in this instance regarding blood.... I posted a portion below. I hope you can re-enjoy as I did....

    Here is the link to the full post -

    While much attention is given to doctrine in sites such as this, very little is noted about the Watchtower Society’s intellectual dishonesty in its publications, especially when it comes to quotations.

    Oftentimes the Society’s writers will cite a scholar or author of some repute: "Professor Blank observes that blah, blah, blah." The reader assumes from the quotation that Professor Blank is in agreement with the organization’s position, of course, and that the quotation chosen accurately depicts the author’s thoughts.

    Here’s the catch: The words between the quotation marks may be accurate, but the snippet may not at all faithfully represent someone’s actual thesis or position. Much like a newspaper ad for a movie that quotes a reviewer as saying "Monumental!" when in actuality he has fumed about its stupidity and saying it is "a monumental piece of poo." Just one solitary example for now:

    In the Watchtower 10/15/00 Questions from Readers about its policy on blood and blood fractions, there appears a quotation from "Professor Frank Gorman," which reads: "The pouring out of the blood is best understood as an act of reverence that demonstrates respect for the life of the animal and, thus, respect for God, who created and continues to care for that life."

    Great quote, huh? It's accurate, every word cited correctly. Sounds like he agrees with the Society’s views on respect for the "sanctity of life," right? You’re impressed, yes? A "professor" buttresses the policy and position, Christians should pour out blood rather than accept it. Lofty language that sanctions the death of a child from "declining" a life-saving infusion of packed red cells as an act of reverence. You’re impressed, right?

    Guess what, folks. The Watchtower writer omitted Gorman's very next sentence! And he ignored the preceding material as well. Like to know what the author's true argument is? Here’s the true quotation about pouring out blood, directly from his book, specifics further down.


    Hunting ritual? Hel-lo! Did the Watchtower writer just not read that next sentence after the one he quoted? Did he just stop reading one sentence too soon?

    Let’s start reading at the subheading that precedes the material from which the W writer took his single sentence. Here’s the accurate quotation: "Verses 13-14 ADDRESS THE QUESTION OF ANIMAL BLOOD IN RELATION TO [now get this, dear reader] HUNTING." (P. 103)

    Ooops. The W writer must have missed that sentence too. Let’s go on:

    "There is a basic ruling (v. 13) and an explanation for it (v. 14). In the explanatory statement, the association of the life of an animal and its blood connects this unit to the previous one. [see below] The blood of an animal or bird killed for food must be poured out on the ground and covered with earth (v. 13). The explanation follows: ‘because the life of all flesh, its blood is bound up with its life.’ (v. 14). This is a restatement of the notion that the life of an animal is in its blood (vv. 10-12). Yahweh has prohibited the consumption of blood precisely because the life of an animal is in its blood. Any person who eats it will be ‘cut off.’"

    Then comes the sentence the Watchtower quoted about pouring out blood as an act of reverence! Now you get the context. And then comes the sentence that IT IS A HUNTING RITUAL enjoined on the ISRAELITES. The author is very clear on this. One would have to be braindead to misunderstand his reasoning.

    Do you think the Watchtower writer just didn't read the surrounding material? He read just once sentence without looking at the context? At best the quotation is careless and merely misleading. In reality it badly twists and distorts the truth and gives the thought that an authority, a PROFESSOR (they could have chosen to call him Dr. Gorman) is in agreement with the Society on this sacred blood issue.They want you to believe that true scholars, like "true Christians" (in Watchtowerese), subscribe to this view of blood. Dissenters are just out of step.

    Where was the governing body when this deceitful gem was put in the "food at the proper time"? Does this strengthen your faith in a 'faithful slave' that is viewed de facto as infallible?

    This kind of dishonesty is a regular practice, of which enlightened readers are well aware, and of which more than a few even in Writing are ashamed. ‘Ah, but we make no pretense at infallibility; we’re imperfect. Just wait on Jehovah to correct matters.’ That's getting very old.


    I posted this on the old H20 and thought I would redo it in a second airing even though it seemed to be received with a casual ho-hum. How do you feel about such egregious dishonesty?

    "Veritas Vos Liberabit"

  • Leolaia

    Good post that Maximus did.

    Here is the text referred to:

    "For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. Therefore I say to the Israelites, 'None of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood'. Any Israelite or any alien living among you who hunts any animal or bird that may be eaten must drain out the blood and cover it with earth, because the life of every creature is its blood" (Leviticus 17:11-14).

    Notice that the blood is poured out to make atonement. Atonement for what? For taking a creature's life. That is what happens when animals are hunted or sacrificed or slaughtered -- they die. Now, what of blood donors? Are they slaughtered in order to obtain their blood? Are they killed for their blood? The Society argues (never mind about fractions) that the blood must be treated in a similar way as pouring it to the ground covering it with earth; blood banks violate this command of God. But the Society does not ever show why atonement must be made -- as pouring the blood to the ground makes atonement for taking another's life. If blood donors are not slaughtered like animals, then why atone for their deaths if they're not dead?

  • Leolaia
  • BabaYaga

    Hunting ritual? Hel-lo!

    Incredible! Thanks for the re-post.


    Good post,Max always Rocked................................OUTLAW

  • still_in74

    The Society argues (never mind about fractions) that the blood must be treated in a similar way as pouring it to the ground covering it with earth; blood banks violate this command of God. But the Society does not ever show why atonement must be made -- as pouring the blood to the ground makes atonement for taking another's life.


    this ritual is showing respect to God for taking a life that he created. "giving it back" to Him. There is nothing to give back if the donater did not die. Nothing to "atone" for.

    I hope one day the GB members are personally held criminally responsible for all the people and children they have murdered. Yes the GB are not men of God, they are murderers & liars. I suppose the Heavens Gate leader would burn in Hell if it existed for murdering its own members with a lie. The GB has murdered countless more via blood prohibition, but if there is a god they will no doubt share his same fate..... Heavens gate took Vodka and barbituates, JW's deny medical treatment using whole blood.

  • still_in74

    do we need to remind everyone that Maiximus was a District Overseerer?

    I guess those DO's are just vicious liar apostates out to destroy the WTS too eh?

  • AllTimeJeff

    This I found out after my exit, but it really broke my heart just the same. Not because I didn't have a feeling... (how many articles say "One biblical reference says....")

    It was because there is no way that they did that by accident. Pure lies. Thats all it is...... And deep down, I always told myself "That can't be what that hidden reference says..."

    The warnings were always there...

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Vodka and barbituates, huh? A much easier way to die than blood loss.

    The society is so dishonest on many levels, but the blood issue has to be at the top. Especially when it comes to innocent children who have no choice in the matter.

    The idea of taking fractions only is dishonest also. Most all use of blood is in fractions. The society does not have the right to pick and choose what fractions are allowed. Blood is blood.

    This is the main issue that caused my exit from the cult.

  • undercover

    And this is just one documented case...

    There are dozens (hundreds?) more.

    The Evolution book is rife with them...

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