Does DF'ing Backfire?

by metatron 22 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey Stephanus,I almost missed your last post on this thread!Boy did you ever hit the nail on the head!Can you imagine how big this thing is going to get in 1yr-2yr-5yr.It is a big snowball rolling their way and its only getting bigger.I`m glad we get to see it from the begining,wait till down the road.I think its going to be something to see!Anyway dude,good post!..MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND THE MRS...OUTLAW

  • Andee

    Room215 writes,

    I can guarantee that, were they to lose a couple of big-money judgments, how new flashes of light from God's throne would suddenly urge the flock toward greater tolerance and forgiveness, all draped in apprriately solemn rhetoric, likely premised on the parables of the prodigal son, etc. etc.
    Yes, I agree. "The bottom line" is the bottom line. It will always be a matter of money.

    Out of everyone that I know that has been Df'd two were reinstated.
    One, because she wants her very large JW family to talk to her. However, she does not support the doctrines. She does just enough to keep her family off her back. The other, got reinstated after 5 years. His KH got a new batch of elders. One visited this family member and all was forgiven.

    My Mom and Aunt were shunned for over 20 years by JW siblings. Interestingly, those siblings had children that were DF'd. Those children, as far as I know, were NOT shunned. The irony does not escape me.

    As long as the borg is able to control people with the big A, I don't see anything changing in the near future.


  • jschwehm

    When I first left the JWs, my parents who are still active JWs to this day were very upset. (They still are upset and rarely speak with me anymore.) My sister who is significantly younger than me and was a teenager at the time was still living at home then. She knew something was up and wanted to know what was going on. I found out later that my mother was telling her that I had turned into an apostate.

    I called home one day and my teenage sister was asking me all kinds of religious questions over the phone. Since my sister was still a minor at the time, I refused to answer and I just said that she would have to make up her own mind on these things some day and that when she was older her and I could speak more freely.

    This did not deter my sister who proceeded to open up her Bible and read scriptures to me and ask me what I thought they meant. So, I would turn the question back to her and ask her what she thought they meant. My sister would explain how she understood those scriptures and many times her explanations were not what the JWs had taught her. I would say, well then that is what they mean to you because it really does not matter what I say they mean or what anybody else says they mean. In addition, my sister would complain that my parents were forcing her to do the ministry school at the time. I told her that that was just something that she would have to put up with until she left my parents' home and that she was merely going thru what all of her older siblings had gone thru.

    About this time, my mother walked into the room and saw my sister with her Bible open and talking to me on the phone. My mother ripped the phone away from my sister and scolded me for sharing my "apostate ideas" with my sister. I told her that I had not told my sister any of my ideas and that we were just talking. My mother hung the phone up on me.

    A few minutes later my mother called back and apologized for her behavior and then my sister got on the phone. I asked my sister what happened. She said that she told our mother that I had not said a thing about the JWs good or bad and that she was just talking to her older brother and that she could not believe that my mother would attempt to prevent her from speaking with me.

    I thought back and realized that I could have taken the opportunity to bash the JWs with my sister back then...but my mother's paranoid behavior had much more of an impact on my sister than anything that I could have possibly said. Fortunately, my sister is not a JW today and I do not expect that she will become one anytime soon.

    Jeff S.

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