Why the bible does'nt make sense to me

by Leander 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    For some odd reason this morning when I woke up the first thing that came into my mind was the suffering and pain that humans deal with on a daily basis. Again I'm not really sure what made me think about that so early in the morning. (maybe it was a dream I had)

    I find it extremely difficult to concieve that a God who loves humanity would allow 3 individuals to cause billions of people to suffer and die for almost 7000 years. To complicate matters even further the bible says the reason this is being allowed to happen is to basically prove a point. What loving parents would allow their children to be tortured and ultimately murdered just to prove that the parents knows more than the child? In my mind that kind of reasoning defies logical thinking.

    This is just one of the many things that I find hard to understand about the bible. And whats worse is that I feel guilty for having those kind of doubts. I feel like I'm betraying everything I've been taught as a child. But yet it still does'nt sense to beleive that God would allow us to suffer simply so it can be said that he knows more than us humans. I mean afterall if God is almighty and powerful is'nt there other ways to make a point without the loss of billions of lives?

  • moman

    Lea, I agree with you, however, maybe DEATH iz overated & then there iz the whole "illusion" thing.

  • rhett

    You're not the only one that doesn't understand it. That's why I don't believe in the bible. If I did I'd just feel like I was worshipping one cruel bastard of a god.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • roybatty

    So what are you going to do about it Leaner?

  • rekless

    those are the very same thoughts I have also.

    After-all he is all knowing and isn't it a war between him and the devil. why use poor mankind that is helpless over spirit creatures to be pawns on their chess board.

    There is a scripture : Read 2 Chronicles 17-22
    and you will see God used the devil to deceive Ahab

    to appreciate this scripture read it out of the KING JAMES BIBLE.

    THE NWT glosses over the word lie and lying spirit with the word deceiving .

    That is how God works he uses the devil to do his work.

    may your day get better.

  • Leander

    Moman - I don't know what to beleive in these days. But the bible just does'nt seem logical to me anymore.

    Here's another example. Because of Adam and Eve all humans were born into sin, the scriptures mention on several occasions that the inclination of man is bad from the youth up. Now lets throw Satan and his demons into this mixture, the bible tells us their primary function is to mislead and tempt as many humans as possible. Finally we know that the majority of mankind will be engaging in practices contrary to the bible. So with all of those odds stacked up against us, according to the bible we're supposed to ignore all fleshly desires and imitate Jesus a man who was created in perfection.

    I'm not saying it is'nt a good goal, but ignoring your natural tendecies to try and imitate a life style that we can never truly achieve in our sinful state is more than difficult. I know very few witnesses who have not been engaged in some type of conduct that did'nt require the elders being involved. And the ones who are seemingly going along without any trouble are either well up in age or keeping their past well hidden. I know it sounds like I may be exaggerating a bit, but I've been in the same area for almost 30 years and I've come to know quite a bit about the members in my congregation and the ones nearby.

    Its all so frustrating, and the WTBS does'nt help when they try and enforce their own rules upon people who are already struggling. Although I'm not the suicidal type I can understand why some JWs feel that their only way out is by taking their own lives. The burden is great

  • YoYoMama

    The problem is not just Jehovah vs. Satan. The problem is also against humans. By disobeying, Adam and Eve were basically saying that they did not need Jehovah. So Jehovah says fine, let everyone see how things go. He allowed humans to make their point, he allowed them to govern themselves without him interfering. What we see today is what humans have brought upon humans. It does seem like a long time, so I see your point there, but we are on Jehovahs timetable and there is nothing that he can't undue at its right time.

  • Mulan

    I agree with you, too Leander. Add to that: Abraham being required to sacrifice his beloved son, Lot having sex with his daughters, a global flood (?), and on and on. Those things make the Bible seem like a fairy tale. No wonder so many religions discount the first chapters of Genesis.

    Has anyone seen the new National Geographic? It has a large section on Abraham. It was the first time I realized that Muslims believe Abraham was asked to sacrifice Ishmael. It's a big part of their belief, since their people descend primarily from him.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Leander

    Roybatty - good question, I wish I had what it took to just walk away from it all.

    Yoyomama - Here is the issue tho, lets just say that sometime next year God brings this system to an end and he says Ok humans I guess we all know that you really do need me. The issue would still be that for the past 6 or 7 thousand years IMPERFECT humans misled by the devil could not rule themselves. What about perfect humans without the influence of Satan and his demons, maybe they could rule themselves without God?

    So the problem is you still have an unanswered question. And to really be fair about it humans were never really given the opportunity to prove if they could rule themselves because during the entire time Satan was controlling and influencing mankind.

    Thats just one way of looking at it. Another angle is what about the billions of humans who never wanted to rule for themselves. They have to suffer just like everyone else. Where is the justice for these individuals? In many cases those people who attempted to live their lives righteously were tortured and killed for their beliefs. (remember Stephen)

  • Hairy Harr
    Hairy Harr

    Good points! And, How would we be viewed as parents if our children messed up so we not only condemed them, but also their offspring for thousands of years? It doesn't seem too logical does it? Wasn't logic pounded into our brains by the Borg when it came to the concept of HELL? So He won't burn us, just make the Family suffer for a few thousand years as discipline! It does not seem that the punishment has fit the crime. Thanx.

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