A Moral dilemma........

by Hope4Others 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others

    This dilemma was posed to me by a good friend. It took me quite a while to come to a decision, I will tell you my answer after your responses.

    Feel free to ask any question you need to clarify this problem.

    A train carriage is running away uncontrollably down a track. You are watching it from a platform where there is a track lever. This leaver will operate a junction in the track sending the run away carriage down one of two different tracks. The first tract has 3 people standing on the track which the carriage will automatically go down as things stand with the position of the leaver next to you. Down the other track there is only one person on the rail. You have a choice of two options.

    1) Pull the leaver and save the three people on the one line and kill the person on the second, or,

    2) you refrain from pulling the leaver, killing the three people on the track but saving the one on the other.

    Which option will you choose and why….???


  • watson

    I'd send it down the track with the one person. Even if it was a relative.

  • cameo-d

    No need to worry. I would jump from the platform onto the track myself.

    I have often been told that my looks could stop a train.

    Everyone would be saved.

  • Hope4Others

    Yes Watson, but then he was not on the track that would have gotten him hit, what will you tell his family? just a thought!

  • parakeet

    Assuming all four people on the tracks are total strangers to me, I say let the train run over the three people on the original track. Anyone dumb enough to stand in the path of a runaway train should be taken out of the gene pool. Then break off the track lever and get the idiot on the other track.

  • Hope4Others

    Well you have no idea who they are, you can only see them from a distance and know that they are on the tracks...

  • caliber

    (2) refrain from doing anything otherwise you personally become responsible ...doing nothing may bother your

    conscience but in this day and age of suing, taking action means taking responsibly ! Just as Canadian paramedic's

    are told if traveling in the U.S. you might think twice about being a good Samaritan if you happen upon death dealing

    accident.. different prceedure in treating the victims may result in lawsuits against you !


  • llbh

    There is no question save 3 people. Caliber's answer does not work as he would not works as you are still fixed with notice.

    Bringing up paramedics in the US is pointless as this is nowhere in the original dilemna.

    Regards David

  • caliber
    Bringing up paramedics in the US is pointless as this is nowhere in the original dilemna.
    Regards David

    I agree 100 %.. it is pointless to mention this to you if you don't understand the concept of comparison and contrast to make

    logical sense of ones answer in a given situation !...LOL


  • llbh

    Here in the UK if you were an off duty medic, there is a real dilemma in the situation you mention , because your public liability would be void. and you would be operating in the capacity of a private individual


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