Has anyone else seen the movie "Worlds Apart"?

by parakeet 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    It's a Danish film with subtitles about a 17-year-old born-in dub girl who falls in love with an unbeliever.

    If you haven't seen it and would like to, I won't spoil the ending. But there is a scene where the girl is called in before the judicial committee and grilled about whether or not she and her boy friend had sex, whether and where they touched each other, whether she spent the night with him, etc. They had her in tears by the end of it.

    Scary, scary film.

  • zarco

    It is a wonderful movie. One scene the “worldly” boyfriend questions her beliefs in a clothing store asking if other shoppers will die at gods hand, a mother, a child, others…. It illustrates the absurdity of the belief that “ we are the best – god will kill the rest”.

    Lots of other interesting scenes showing the hypocrisy of the disfellowshipping doctrine, the creepiness of judicial committees and much more.

    We plan to watch the film again.


  • shopaholic

    I really liked it. I plan to watch it again as well, hopefully its still available on OnDemand.

    And the grilling part with the judicial committe was spot on. A couple of times I got into a little exploration with a JW brother and the third time he went to the elders. I didn't see a need because in my mind we didn't do anything wrong. Its was just innocent exploration and coming to age stuff that came about 10 years too late. But he felt guilty and told his elders. I didn't tell mine, so he did. They talked to me and asked me all types of questions that you would not believe or may you would. For instance after telling them we did not have sex they asked me "Sis. Shop, did he insert anything inside you such as his finger or anything else?" I almost told them that he put his finger in my ear but I simply said 'No' to everything because even then to me it was none of their business. I was very much an adult at the time and I was upset and nervous at the same time. I never cried or got teary-eyed but I remember feeling like I wanted to throw-up.

    The experience totally sucked. Then after that I felt like they were watching my every move.

  • sass_my_frass

    I haven't been able to find it anywhere, except on Youtube where somebody is posting scenes from it regularly. It's a stunning movie. Shame it didn't get an oscar nomination.

  • parakeet

    shopaholic: "I really liked it. I plan to watch it again as well, hopefully its still available on OnDemand."

    That's where I saw it, too. I just checked Amazon; they don't have it. I'd better watch it again before they take it off the TV listings.

  • sass_my_frass

    Here: this guy has been posting segments of it onto his blog: (It's called Die Verdener, and you really must see it).


  • parakeet

    Thanks, sass. One of the saddest portrayals in this movie is how the natural love parents have for their children, siblings for each other and their friends is twisted into something horrible by the WTS "rules." But there are some shining moments in it too. Keep on the lookout. It's definitely worth seeing.

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