Thankful Not To Be An Elder Anymore ( KM)

by metatron 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I count my blessings. I picked up a Kingdom Ministry for February and saw, once again, the mindless horror that the organization has evolved into. There's the grade school reading level. There's the questions printed at the bottom of each paragraph. There's the 'what to say' at the doors, given word for word. There's what's left of the "Written Review" - or Oral Review?

    Witnesses have become like an old computer with a dead CMOS battery. They need their settings repeated over and over and over and over, apparently. Everything seems childishly choreographed, down to the last simple thought. Only an old-timer would remember that this organization once schooled its members in basic constitutional rights and had actual initiative in thought about handling problems like persecution. No more.

    Why should they need elders, anyway? Giving these parts could be handled by a seventh grader. It's amazing how this aspect of the "truth" has radically declined.

    They are reaping what they have sowed. Weak, ignorant people who are childishly dependent on Headquarters for every thought. A passive Aggressive crowd who need to be badgered into contributing. A people who loudly proclaim their own righteousness while downloading porn, smoking weed, cultivating mutual animosities and maintaining every facade of pretense. Good Luck to them.

    I count my blessings. I am so thankful that I got out of this mess of Pharisaic Robots. I am glad I am not an elder anymore.


  • lavendar

    I'm so glad you escaped too, Metatron! I'm hoping the same for my son. I believe one day he'll see through the deception of the WTS and leave.

    Oh happy day!


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I hear you. And sitting thru that stuff is simply awful. There is simply no passion from the speakers, audience, anyone. I spend a lot of time just looking around and see many blank stares.

  • slimboyfat

    Yes the Service Meeting truly is the biggest insult to intelligence the Witnesses ever devised.

    The level of the instuctions from headquarters to the rank and file borders on contempt.

  • chickpea

    it is not unlike military training...

    all material, at least in the basic levels of training,
    were written at a 4th grade reading comprehension level....
    drill after drill after drill to hammer in only the most pertinent
    material and then immediately a "proficiency test" to get as
    many passing scores as could be wrung out of the service members...

    it all came down to "go" or "no go"

    i am SO delighted to be a chronic "no go" as far as the b0rg is concerned!

  • Alpaca

    I gotta' agree.

    If cogintive dissonance is bad for the average Dub it is 100 times as bad for any elder who actually takes his reponsibilities seriously. I always felt like such a hypocrite when I was an elder, even though I was doing everything by the book and actually pouring all of my energy into doing a good job.

    In retrospect, it could very well be that the higher level of cognitive dissonance that I experienced as an elder (as opposed to when I was a publisher without any substantial responsibility) was the catalyst that sent me over the edge.

    Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty free at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I really don't believe in God, but I love the feel of the chant.

  • Confession

    When I think about sitting through one of those Thursday nights--yes even a Thursday night when I was handling the TMS, or when I had a part on the Service Meeting--a state-of-mind returns to me. My eyelids become numb and, to my surprise, I have no need to blink. My face loses sensation as a thick stream of drool seeps from both corners of my mouth. A pre-printed question is asked, and some foreign impulse causes my left arm to spring upward. When the mic comes to me, I am still in a mental patient stupor, when I widen my eyes and say...


    No one is surprised by my comment, and I hand the mic back to the kid.

  • metatron

    This is why the Watchtower is confronted with a dilemma: So, what do we do with these people? They report glorious increases around the world but what exactly is increasing? Masses of dependent people who don't contribute and who often seem frighteningly childish as reports of problems circulate back to Headquarters. I can recall my loyal mother's words that the quality of incoming Witnesses plunged - away from normal middle class types off into 'losers' with every sort of problem imaginable.

    It should be no surprize that Witnesses are easy prey for scams, con games and quackery. They wallow in the convenience of trusting someone else to think for them.


  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    Hi Metatron,

    I can certainly understand your feelings even though I didn't get to the next level, that of being an elder. I was only an MS. Even though I felt truly genuine about helping others, I felt that rules and regulations were telling us how to love when it should have been natural and from the heart. I have been out for a long time and am glad to have the chains loosened from my body. This scripture was never used hardly at all by the wts, if it was it was applied to christendom. Anything bad it was christendom, if its good then its Great Crowd or jws. It made me sick. This scripture they hardly ever used, you know why?

    Here is your answer- says in Jer. 23:32 "Here I am against the prophets of false dreams," is the utterance of Jehovah, "who relate them and cause my people to wander about because of their falsehoods and because of their boasting."

    Look at all the people that have wandered about on this site. And the word boasting, thats a word you hear alot on these forums. I want no part of it. I still believe in Jehovah and pray to him daily as best I can. So yes, I do understand your thoughts and your heart is in the right place. My definition for an elder or shepard has always been this: visit those in nursing homes, hospitals, those in congregation who are less fortunate-helping them either monetarily if can be done, or perhaps just having a nice visit without a Tie on and some publication in hand. They just want somebody to talk to and have some enterchange of thought.

    Sincerely, Truth and Justice

    P.S. I hope to properly introduce myself on another thread with a little bit of back ground, until then "Take care"!! T-n-J



    Well done for seeing them in their true light and for what they really are,


    The one scripture that seems to be working for many


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