Matrix Style - Agent Smith wants to call round and encourage me

by truthseeker 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    We all know that j hoover runs the matrix. Heehee. Really though, it's either pure chance, or a subconscious connection event. Either way, it's not something to be afraid of. You handled it really good by telling them that you have their numbers. You know what to do.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I ran into an ex elder once at a restaurant. He followed up with me and we chatted. Nothing came out of it.

  • thebiggestlie

    ah i would have replied in true Mr. anderson style with,

    "how about i give you the finger"


  • thebiggestlie

    ah i would have replied in true Mr. anderson style with,

    "how about i give you the finger"


  • inkling

    " of them said, who smiled at me with his face but not his eyes."


    Great line.

  • inkling

    "I had intended to go to the meetings", I said, "but it didn't work out"

    The other elder responded, "so did we"

    Uh... "so did we"?

    What did he mean?

  • mkr32208

    SHould have laughed in their faces... Notice they didn't help you pick up the groceries... SOOOOO christ like...

  • shamus100

    If you wanted to be nice to them, just say "fine, thank you", closed the door, and drove away.

    You don't owe them any explanations. You don't owe them anything. They can't DF you for that.

    Live your life free.

  • truthseeker


    The elders complained about me saying I was cold to them.

    These are the same elders who would ignore me in the hall and pass by without saying hello.

    They are trying to find out why I don't go to the hall and the P.O. is in on this.

    The elder who said "so did I" meant he thought I was going to make the effort to go meetings in my new congregation.

  • shamus100

    Cold, warm, hot, who cares?

    They can't DF you.

    Why aren't you going to the meetings?

    A: Oh, I'll be there next week. Thanks for your concern.

    Q: Why didn't you show last week?

    A: Oh, my ______ passed. I need some time. Thanks for your concern.

    Q: Last time I talked to you, _____ passed. Are you ok? When are you coming back?

    A: Oh, I'm fine. I'll be there next week. Thanks for your concern.

    Q: We think you're being cold to us, and you're not being truthful. What's wrong?

    A: Well, my family is having some problems that are personal, and I need to deal with. Thanks for your concern.

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