An apostate joke

by JW4fr 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • avengers
    Why do apostates no longer go from door to door?

    I thought the real apostates were the ones going from door to door?

    They still do don't they? hhaaaahhaaahhaaaa

    "Few are they that look through their own eyes and feel with their own heart"
    A Einstein
  • Undecided

    Hi JW,

    You are right, that is the reason I no longer go door to door, I realized I had nothing worthwhile to say. When are you going to realize this???

    Ken P.

  • kevin221

    Hey JW,
    I hope you have changed your mind and have not yet left because after spending time in chat with you the other night I have a message for you, and I want you to know it truly comes from my heart.



  • larc

    Why do Apostates go to the Memorial?

    So they can have a nice nap, followed by a free glass of wine.

  • TR

    Well, this has GOT to be the earliest I've handed out the "Head Up The Ass" award to a new JW poster.

    Here ya go, JW-for-effer(LOL!)

    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • logical

    JW, the reason the apostates want rid of you is NOT because they are frightened of your cult.

    The reason people want rid of you is be cause you are abusive, obnoxious, you dont give a shit about anyone other than yourself, you stalk people, you attack people who dont have the same beliefs as you.

    And you think you have the true faith. The love of Christ is not in you boy, you need to grow up and get out of that cult that has turned you into a human hating robot.

  • ashitaka

    Logi has the answer right there, along with the closing comments from Kevin.


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