Has anyone ever gone to a Healer?

by Bubblie 6 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • Bubblie

    A new friend has contacted me about going to a healer. She sounds like she has helped many with health problems here in my area. Since, I am in the Bible belt of the south most would consider her to be from the demons. She is in her 80's and has had this gift since a teen. The many ailments she has helped with are arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraines, you name it. Anyway, since I am open to new things after leaving the Borg is it something that anyone else has tried for their aches and pains?

  • ColdRedRain

    A faith healer tried to cure me of my Asperger Syndrome...... Later on that day, he asked why wasn't I looking in his face when he later approached me.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I recently met a "Born again" group advertising how some were cured of AIDS by "Jesus." This made me so angry I went in to argue with him...also because my wife was accepting a brochure. I asked him why they can't restore limbs and raise the dead like the first Century "true Christians." HE said that in the 21st Century even true Christians do not have enough faith......but his gummy knee got cured Praise Jesus!

  • PEC
  • only me
    only me

    Beware of anyone who says they will heal you for money. There are people who can heal lbut it is rare and they wil not want any gain from their gift.

    Nor will they want any publicity.

    I was healed of RA by someone and he didn't let me know ahead of time that he was going to do it nor did he want any thanks. I had no idea until it was done. My doctor was dunmbfounded because my blood levels are normal and there is no new inflamation. I feel great for the first time in my life. I did not ask for this healing, it was freely given out of his desire to help me. He can heal manty ailments but there are things he will not touch.

    Be careful though there are many charlatans out there.

  • moomanchu

    Yeah, in my PS3 Oblivion video game.

  • rebel8

    I've gone to healers of various persuasions, and done healing rituals from several religions. Nuthin happened.

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