WT on "Help those who stray from the flock"? - friends sent us an email

by truthseeker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    might explain the comments my brother made to me Saturday afternoon. (They have meeting on Saturday.)

  • Purza

    Now I understand the email from a family member to a group of "undisclosed recipients" trying to "encourage" us. We were encouraged to read the 23rd chapter of Matthew. Whatever.


  • flipper

    I haven't been contacted by family as of yet - they usually respect my fading views and know I am VERY firm and unbending in my views. So they know they won't get anywhere. But I'm prepared for them Steve Hassan style if they try anything ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Aha! That's why we've been 'feeling the love!'

    Coming up to our 1 year anniversary of ZERO meeting attendance with nary a phone call, but in the last month - FOUR!!! Everybody seems to be missing us! 2 social invites, 1 phone call consisting of a strong suggestion that meeting attendance is a 'MUST!' (after a year????), and another group 'inviting' themselves over for a visit. All fine and good...so far no problems! We keep it light and friendly, and always thank all for their concern...but let them know how good life has become for us!! What have we been doing away from the meetings? LIVING!

  • WTWizard

    So far, the witlesses haven't wasted the time to contact me. However, that could all change--and they have about 2 weeks before the washtowel about not worrying about your health kicks in. If they should waste the time, I will just let the answering machine take the stock message and use it as laughing stock for the apostates.

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