Witnet Refugee

by Prisca 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    Hello all,

    Those of you familar with Witnesses.net may have seen me around the site, I've been posting there since early last year, and recently I was a moderator for a short time, before its sudden closure.

    I was raised in the truth, daughter of a one-time elder and am a third generation JW. I have seen a lot of changes in the Society, some for the better, many for the worse.

    I am now inactive, have not been to a meeting since the Memorial earlier this year and not been in active witnessing since January 99.

    So I am more out than in, though I have a few family members that are still Witnesses, so I try not to put myself in the situation where I could be df'd. (Easy, avoid the elders! ;) )

    So I just want to say hi. I was recommended this site by another witnet refugee, and I hope that we can share experiences and help each other.


  • Pathofthorns

    Hi prisca. Always enjoyed your posts at Witnet. Your experience is typical of many here, and you will find this a comfortable place to be. Welcome.


    (PS. I find most changes the Society has made to be ones for the better. Its just that what those changes signify, or that we even believed or taught what we did in the past, or that there is even change at all, that i find disturbing, considering that Jehovah is leading the Organization. That we are a completely different religion than we were even a short time ago is not consistent with God's direction)

  • waiting

    Hey Prisca,

    Welcome to our humble abode. Read your posts before - always a pleasure.

    Your adult background sounds a lot like mine. I wasn't raised in the org., but have been a jw for 30 yrs. Inactive now.

    We have a Hello? Hello? Hello? Intro-type thread started. If you slip over there, a lot of new/old posters have shared a little about themselves. Please post, if you like, with a little/lot about yourself. That way, we all learn a little/lot about "that person" we're fussin' about. Kinda cool, don'tcha think?

    Nice to meet you.


  • Kristen

    Welcome, Prisca. I've always enjoyed your posts at witnet too. Many of us are in the same situation as you, not totally out, but not totally in. Doing a lot of self assessment, stepping back and trying to see things with a different perspective. This board seems to be more for ones like us, it's not like Witnet or WOL, although some might get that impression when they first happen upon the board. It's more like what you will see in the "sensitive" forums, except, ironically, there is far less judging going on here. Since no active JW's hang around here, the conflicts are naturally less. Simon doesn't even have mods. Isn't that interesting?

    Waiting, what a place to put that Hello, hello, hello thread! Whose idea was that?

    Edited by - Kristen on 17 December 2000 13:59:5

  • waiting

    Hey Kristen,

    Waiting, what a place to put that Hello, hello, hello thread! Whose idea was that?

    Was: RedHorseWoman, aka Red, aka Screamin' Red Demon. Word has gotten around that she's been going to Carmel's cave for coffee and.......

    Pretty cool idea, however, don'tcha think?


  • RedhorseWoman

    waiting.....you LIE.....you LIE bigtime!! I NEVER think about sex! YOU....YOU put that thread in the sex forum. I am SO upset....trying to make me out to be some kind of sex-crazed madwoman or something!! Well, okay....maybe I DO think it's a good forum....and well, I DID have to check to see what was being said. But I can't take credit for posting the thread there, you evil old woman!!

    Prisca, nice to see you here. I remember reading your posts at Witnet. I always enjoyed your insights.

  • Roamingfeline

    Me thinks Horsey-Woman does protest too much.. Bahahahahhaha!!!!!


  • nelly136

    probably all that caffeine heh heh

  • LDH

    Hi Prisca.....
    Lisa Haynes

  • RR

    Hi Prisca AND Lisa, I use to post on WitNet as 'KingdomLeast'.

    Nice to have you two aboard!

    "People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"

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