Cornish Paganology

by Celtic 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    It would seem that there are many who upon leaving rigid and structured religion, end up taking an interest in becoming Pagan. There are many misconceptions of just what it is that paganology stands for.

    To find out more, maybe take a look at these two sites, and tour around, to see and experience, more than just a glimpse into the ancienct land, from which earth I come from.

    Spirit of Place

    Cornish language studies

    Mebyon Kernow Onen Hag Oll



  • Fredhall

    Pagan stands for:


  • Celtic

    Then goodness knows what you stand for. Its my estimation that you are therefore putting yourself in a higher spiritual plane of understanding than I, myself, yet at the same time you protect the corporate power system most appropriately with that image besides your name. Does that denote to others, your deep caring, love and compassion, or, one who has a 'demon' inside of him?

    Beware of your own treachery!!



  • Fredhall

    I don't protect a so called corporate power system. Only Jehovah does that.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Theres nothin in Cornwall but old rocks. Fallen down old rocks.
    And even the rocks are rotting, like tooth decay.

  • Celtic

    And what exactly is your point again Refiners Fire? Once or twice now I have posted only to get dribble from you, why do you answer thus? Do you get cheap kicks out of posting what must seem to even you as questionably unintelligable remarks concerning others ways of sharing their spiritual beliefs and patterns of culture?

    Go try and post something useful for a change, instead of knocking the efforts of others. Streuth man.



    Hey Fred,what the hell does god need with a corporate power system?He sure isnt looking after WBTS,otherwise they wouldn`t always be taking the beating they so richly deserve!LOL..MERRY CHRISTMAS CAT...OUTLAW

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    i only put it cause i knew youd take the bait.
    personally i ignore people who troll me.

  • Celtic

    Actually I just think your a prick, but thanks anyway for doing your best to ruin another post of mine, can I just say, in future, I'd rather you not post replies at all, for by your own admission, you are trolling others, now, isn't it time you 'cut others some slack', who are trying to use this board for normal sharing discussion? Apply your own counsel. Now piss off.


  • Missie Eff
    Missie Eff

    Another thought provoking post, Celtic.

    RF: ever been to Cornwall? Those fallen down old rocks are part of our heritage and natural history. I'm sure other parts of the country/world could benefit from a few fallen down rocks. Rotten teeth or products of a powerful battle between elements and civilisation?

    Kind of brings us around to Celtic's thought really. The Celts were far more in tune with the land and sea through their spirituality. Shame modern society isn't. Maybe we wouldn't have a hole in our ozone layer.

    I'm going off to look at those sites now. Cheers Mark!

    Mebyon Kernow: Onen Hag Oll

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