God created monkeys in his image.

by ballistic 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Did you know that our DNA is 96% identical to that of our nearest primates?

    Does this mean God created monkeys 96% in his image?

    But seriously, this has a lot to say about evolution...

    Why would God create us based on the genes of monkeys, especially if, as the witnesses declare, we were designed to live forever and monkeys were not?

    Why would God even make it APPEAR that we evolved from them? Why would God make it APPEAR from an archaeological and genetic point of view that we evolved?

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    It is 98% and we did not evolve from monkeys. Apes and Man evolved from a common ancestor. Go a little further back and monkeys, apes and Man all had another common ancestor. There are gaps in the various theories, but the evidence is as compelling as the theory that the earth is round(ish). You don't have to believe either, if you don't want to (just don't sail too close to the edge).

  • sleepy

    Good point but..
    Theres more than a 2% difference between a human brain and a chimp one.
    DNA is more complicated than that.

  • ballistic

    Mr Ben, that is why I also used the term OUR NEAREST PRIMATES. The term monkey is just a generic label I like to use and if you don't believe me, check out my web page.

    sleepy, what are you really saying? The point is DNA is what builds a brain. A small change in the DNA can make a big difference to the complexity of the organism, I agree, but I really asking why God would use the MONKEY (lol) blueprint for beings created in his image.

  • sleepy

    Just saying that its what the DNA does rather than what it is simliar too that is important.
    All done in the spirit of a good debate.

  • ballistic

    Cool. I'm not an expert on evolution, but I feel that our understanding of genetics is proving that we are intelligent animals and nothing more.
    Discovery channel taught me everything they know such as "you and me baby are nothing but mamals".

    p.s. sleepy, your pic is missing.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Understood. I think I know the thread you're trying to make now.
    I remember a phrase from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy which said something like:
    Humans think they are better than dolphins because humans have created cities, automobiles and nuclear bombs. Whereas all dolphins ever do is splash around in the water having fun.
    Dolphins think they are better than humans for exactly the same reason.

    I agree. If I am a very good boy in my next life I get to be a dolphin. Hurray!

  • Satanus

    Hey fred,

    I bet you don't have any dna. You could be made from nuts, bolts, plastic and playdough. hehe

  • DannyBear

    It appears that all species have a common building material...DNA

    The complexity of those strands, determining what it turns out to be.
    So for me, it is not hard at all, to accept the 2% difference between human and monkey dna.

    I lived very close to Woodside Calif, where for many year's there lived a female Ape(gorrilla)by the name of Coco she had a vocabulary of several hundred words, was proficient in the use of sign language, and had rudimentary understanding of mathematics.

    Not to mention that many of their physical attributes are very similar to man. I think that is why monkey's are so interesting to young and old alike....they look and act alot like us.


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    I know some parrots that speak English, but I know of no Englishmen that speak parrot.

    (I wish the Monty Python team were here)

    I hope this doesn't get too serious!!!!

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