JW's put the cult in diffiCULT........

by oompa 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    why do they have to make life so diffiCULT for its members....do most other cults make life so diffiCULTfor its members? Moonies seem happy!...i can think of other were life is not so diffiCULT.....about the only things WT has done to make life less diffiCULT for its zombies...is make the meetings shorter...get rid of home book studies and the extra night of dress up time misery....and lower pioneer hours three or four times.....I think they could really blossom if they would just LET UP and stop makin life so diffiCULT........for its members................oompa

  • Sparkplug

    That they do...That they do...


    "Moonies seem happy!"...........Moonies are the Happiest people on Earth!..LOL!!.............Oompa..The more you suffer,the better JW you are..Take that away and you ruin all the fun of being a JW..LOL!!................................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • wobble

    The Gibbering Buddy only make life less difficult when they are forced to,they hate letting go of control.

    I wonder though, if the latest figures will make them do SOMETHING, here in Britain 14 per week are added,but over 40 per week leave.



  • Quirky1
    here in Britain 14 per week are added,but over 40 per week leave


  • wobble

    The figure I gave for those leaving is based on the 2008 report,number baptised,deduct the ave.pubs. added, gives you forty a week leaving in Britain,and only fourteen a week added..

    Crude,and just a statistic,but I think indicative of the problem they have in the lands with internet access easy to come by.



  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Oompa, that's why I wish the WTS would make things harder on the friends. That way, some of them might do a cost/benefit analysis and realize that it's not worth it! We know that there are plenty of JWs out there that know that at least some of what the Society teaches is B.S.

    Heck, I know one active JW who has told me on numerous occasions that he doesn't believe in God and that the Bible is a bunch of crap (his words, not mine). But folks like that stay in because it's easier than getting out.

    But, if the WTS started making it harder to stay in...then you might see some of these "weaker" JWs start questioning whether it's worth it.

    That's why I wish they would go back to hour-long public talks, 30 paragraph WT studies, week-long assemblies, etc. In fact, I think they should go back to the old-school Rutherford style of "witnessing" by picketing in front of churches on Sunday mornings with signs that religion is a snare and a racket. How many of today's "country-club" JWs would have the courage to go out and picket in front of their neighbors' churches?

    If you want to see an example of what JWs used to be like, check out my old thread here (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/166078/1.ashx). I mean, who knew that Judge Rutherford fought for our right to call cops "god damned fascists"?

  • Satanus

    If they made things easy, that would mean that they aren't true, anymore;) They wouldn't be a cult, anymore.


  • hamsterbait

    Same thing for Non-believers in Elizabethan England.

    Every time the law changed on the official religion, you either went to the church and said the pryers you were told to, or die, or be fined one shilling (a huge sum) for non-attendance.

    If you don't care one way or the other, why make life difficult for yourself?

    It depends on how important your freedom of mind and conscience is. many with family still in are more concerned about being there for their children, than going through a messy separation and all this religion makes it entail. For what are you gaining by admitting what a lot are already suspecting - the Witchtower has bamboozled three generations with its crap?


  • oompa
    Olin Moyles: In fact, I think they should go back to the old-school Rutherford style of "witnessing" by picketing in front of churches on Sunday mornings with signs that religion is a snare and a racket. How many of today's "country-club" JWs would have the courage to go out and picket in front of their neighbors' churches?

    LMAO!...that is an awesome view of things you have there...and you are right....my point was that if they did get softer....it would actually appeal to so many of the slacker families...kids hating the org......but oh if only they would go hardass like you said....and i also left out how they have become less diffiCULT on slacking on blood use and organ transplants....pretty soon there smoking will be ok...and they will have their own brand of cigs.....JW NEW LITES...........oompa

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