-30 Wind Chill and the meeting WAS NOT Cancelled...What Idiots

by bronzefist 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    It's -5 with a minus 30-35 wind chill factor here so you would think the "loving elders" would cancel the Sunday Borefest.....nope. Just got a call...."Well of course it was your choice, but there were 70 in attendance this morning!!!"

    There have been meetings cancelled because of heavy snow, but give me a break going out could be dangerous. So the question is...Have you ever had to listen to anyone that patted themselves on the back for making it to Hall despite of horrible weather conditions? Did they also shake their head asking way EVERYONE wasn't there?


  • bubble

    You should make a stand and not attend yourself! Set a 'sane' example to the others!!!!

  • carla

    Bronzefist, I'm in your neck of the woods I think and my jw went to his meeting too. He did skip out on fs yesterday though, no idea why, weather or what.

  • oompa

    funny...my congo was famous in the area for cancelling the meeting with a 20 % chance of snow...or a good cold rain!.....happened many a time......two elder buddies of mine would alway have friends over and party a bit during the cancelled meeting too........nice..........oompa

  • chickpea

    i am in the same neck of the woods
    and the policy became this:

    if there is not a notification,
    the meeting is ON....
    let your conscience be your guide....

    there was this old hackneyed story
    about a "sistah" with a UBM who
    would not go out on a blustery
    blizzardy kind of night to take her to the KH...

    so "sistah ever-so-righteous-overmuch"
    heads out the door with her 3 kids
    and, oh the kindness of strangers,
    they got picked up and delivered to the KH

    i guess it is the snow belt version of:
    crossing crocodile infested rivers....

    where exactly IS the line between faithful and foolish?

  • JeffT

    In May 1980 I was living in Pullman, WA when Mt. St Helens blew. After the authorities closed the roads to ALL non-essential traffic the elders called Brooklyn and got permission to cancel meetings. We got a call telling us this (and making sure we knew the decision was made higher up the food chain) and encouraging us to study extra hard on our own.

  • Purza
    the elders called Brooklyn and got permission to cancel meetings

    No thinking for yourselves allowed! Must call Brooklyn.


  • Satanus

    Reminds me of the time we had a solid sheet of ice on this city. It warmed up a bit and started raining on the ice. A french bro and i had agreed to go door to door, and so we did. We didn't walk so much as slide for a couple of hours. The silly experience made us buddies, after that. Not no more, though.


  • blondie

    Blowing snow is one thing

    Icy roads is another thing

    So cold your car won't start is another

    But around here if the above conditions don't exist and it is cold, people tend to bundle up and be sure their emergency packet is in the car. It makes a difference if people live mostly within 5 to 7 miles of the KH too.

    I can remember when one congregation shut down and the other nearby did not, on the same night, and people were not able to start their cars. Only about ten people showed up for the congregation that kept the meeting open.

  • horrible life
    horrible life


    so "sistah ever-so-righteous-overmuch"
    heads out the door with her 3 kids
    and, oh the kindness of strangers,
    they got picked up and delivered to the KH

    To finish the story:

    During the meeting the kids had to go to the bathroom, the mom got dirty looks. The youngest wiggled in his chair, the mother got counselled after the meeting.
    When she needed a ride home, nobody had room, or had vanished. The elder who had taken her to the book-room alone, to discuss the behavior of her children, said he could not give her a ride, as it would not be proper, and look wrong. So the righteous sister and her 3 children headed out the KH door, down the street, and again was picked up by worldly pagan strangers, who lovingly took her to her home, with her jack-ass husband. The End

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