Madoff, Stock Market and WTS

by Georgiegirl 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Georgiegirl

    So many non-profits have lost millions of dollars in the Madoff fraud. I know there has been some discussion in the past on WTS investments...I wonder if they were invested. It would be interesting to see just how much they have lost in the markets over the past two years. I would be there is a direct correlation between that, the payoffs, and the changes we've seen. Further, the money invested in the buildings in NYC can't possibly have the same value as it did as the real estate market tanks. For true believers in NYC, this probably IS the beginning of The Great A since god wouldn't let the WTS go broke (remember how often we had it drilled into us that HS funded the publications of the magazines?).

    Wouldn't it be interesting if the actual downfall of the WTS isn't scandal, abuse, or education...but that they merely go broke? Anyone done any type of forensic accounting?

  • lawrence

    Nah, the WTS money-men are funding arms companies. There's always money to spend on death devices. In the middle of a worldwide meltdown the Russians made more money this year on arms sales than the previous year (35 billion U.S. dollars -- reported). But it would be nice to see the "Failthful" shut down the machines.

  • Gregor

    It is possible the WTS may have lost money in the Madoff case through one of several large investment group funds. Over the last few days the Wall Street Journal has been identifying more indirect victims. Have not seen the WTS listed yet. The WSJ has noted that Madoff, a jew himself, has victimized a disproportionate number of jewish investors.

  • badboy

    All these investment vehicles seem to be not very good.

    I will say it again, I think real wealth comes from offering services and products.

    Anything else, and you are in trouble.

  • jaguarbass

    The Watchtower society can reinvent themselves and down size if they are low on money.

    They can have the publishers and halls print the magazines on their computers. Same with the books.

    The books could appear on CD.

    The main thing is that the brain washing material gets out.

    They only have 2 or 3 basic truths that everyone has to memorize.

    1, JW's have the troof, the only troof.

    2, You have to go to meetings to get the troof and be saved.

    3. You have to go door to door and advertise number 1.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Jehovah protected his people by directing them to invest in weapons and arms stock.

  • cameo-d

    The newscaster here pronounced his name as "made-off" (Madoff) on a broadcast the other day. I thought it was very appropriate.

    Isn't it funny how names can sometime fit the person so well?

  • wobble

    SO true,my name on JWD is Wobble,but my real name is Sexyhunk.



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