The Fear Of Being Satan

by Englishman 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    We had a chap in our local congregation known to everyone as Jack. He was an amiable helpful fellow until he paid a visit to the dentist.

    He'd gone to a local dental surgery to have a wisdom tooth extracted and had been offered 3 choices of pain prevention. Out of a choice of novocaine locally, knock-out by injection or sleeping gas, he had opted for the sleeping gas.

    As he began to come round after the extraction, Jack suddenly bounded to his feet and started to wail in some deep anguish. The dentist and his assistant were startled to hear Jack screaming that he was Satan, that he was doomed, God would never forgive him for all the bad that he had done and he was sorry about the Garden of Eden business.

    The sad part was that Jack never recovered from his delusions all the time that he remained a JW. He attended the KH frequently but could get no relief. Huge dark rings appeared beneath his eyes, a real soul in torment.

    Some of the elders in the Fareham area formed the opinion that Jack had indeed been attacked by a demon, urgent meetings were held and the local boyos began to preach against the dangers of using general anaesthetics during medical procedures. Once again, the mind is open to demon inhabitation!

    Well, I'm not sure exactly what Jacks problem was, the last time that I saw him he was running a succesful little art gallery just outside of Portsmouth and was not going to any more meetings. Obviously I didn't walk up to him and say: "Hi, old Chap, how's the demons keepin'", but by his demeanour and confidence I got the impression that Jack did finally exorcise whatever it was that was bothering him.

    I wonder what it was?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Duncan


    I think I knew that dental surgery - the one Jack went to.

    You see, in addition to his regular equipment, the dentist there used to use an old, out-of-shape drill that he leased from a colleague in China, which rumour had it, was demonised.

    So what happened to Jack was that the supplemental oriental rental dental bent-tool sent Jack mental.

    (who should really get on with some proper work, this slow Friday afternoon)

    ps I just re-read it and obviously "bent-tool" only rhymes if you say it with my London Accent.

  • hillary_step


    Poor Jack.

    I once heard of a JW, an unmarried man who was desperate to alter this situation and made determined efforts to woo anything in a dress that was alive. The problem was that women would quickly move to another part of the room when he entered as he was quite odd. He had a permanent look fixed on his face, somewhere between an earthy wildness and a lecherous leer.

    Poor Jim, we will call him, grew ever more desperate in behavoir when his dreams of true love faded as one after the other, available Sisters were heartily gobbled up in the marriage machine.

    Rumors of course began to circulate that not only was he a trifle, 'you know - odd', but that he was demonized and the female company he so desperately needed then became even rarer than a corn-crake. He took to the bottle.

    One evening while in his bedroom, alone I need not add, something came over him and in a desire to shed himself of anything that might stop him entering the Kingdom he cut off his penis and threw it out of the bedroom window.

    His bellowing screams attracted the lady next door who came out onto his front lawn, situated herself under the bedroom window, and finding Jim's unused but bloody member among the daffodils, shouted out to her husband, 'Quick, call an ambulance, Jim has cut off his thumb'.

    This tale is quite true and happened not a million miles from another poster on this Board, our Nelly.


  • Englishman

    Thank you for that info, Sir Hilary!

    Maybe it was my imagination, but something tells me that you were Tenzing as you wrote that..


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Billygoat

    ROTFLMAO!!! Hillary you're killin' me! ((((()))))


    PS: Eman - did Jack leave the organization during his possession? Did he purchase the art gallery then? Perhaps that was his excuse for leaving...being demonized. Sounds pretty well planned to me. He may be smarter than you give him credit for.

  • Satanus


    If freud and jung are right, we have a lot of bad s**t in our subconscious. Stuff we have repressed, a lot of child and baby fears, like an overstuffed box locked shut. Occassionally through a slight mind alteration by means of certain drugs, chanting, some life changing event or just by chance this box opens a crack and something slips out. The mind makes sense of it by fitting it into the worldview of the person. The results to a person who believes in a demon haunted world are obvious. Sad.

    SS' two cents

  • avengers
    Jack did finally exorcise whatever it was that was bothering him.

    So walls do indeed crumble!

    So goes the Watchtower

  • SixofNine
    Jack did finally exorcise whatever it was that was bothering him.

    And what of Jim? Did it turn out that he had exorcised the correct demon?

    I wonder if he'd agonized over Jesus words "do I cut of my hand, or go straight to the antitypical thumb member?"

    Six-million miles from Hillary class

  • LittleToe

    I heard that tale, too. I don't know when it happened, but I heard about it in late 80's.
    The version I heard was that he'd been reading Matt.18:8,9 and took a rather radical interpretation of it.


  • hillary_step

    Hello LT,

    Yes, it happened in the late 70's in South East England - Ouch indeed!


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